Playing It "Cool"

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Before I start with this chapter, this one is going to have some lemon.well actually it leads to a lemon. Um, just saying. So..yea.

I stared at the reflection in the mirror, looking back at the time.


Well, after a full day of getting ready and freshing up, time has passed quickly.
Especially when I visited White at the was..


Several hours earlier

"So tell me, have you and Black hung out since you saw us again?"

White asked, leaning out of her hospital bed. She grabbed her glass from the bedside and brought it to her mouth, taking a long drink.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you, this morning he called me, asking if I wanted to go on a date with him."

The words I said made her faintly choke on the water. She glanced over at me with worry in her eyes, and then looked back down, tapping the glass with her fingers.

"[Y/N]...are you was him?"

"Well yea, who else?" I tilted my head.

He turned her eyes towards me.

"Promise me something..alright?"

"Anything. What is it?"

"If Black ever tries to hurt someone..or you...

Kill him"

Current Time

It was a weird conversation between me and her. And I still don't understand.
Black wouldn't ever hurt someone, let only kill. Its not his nature to do so.
And even if something happened, and he would lose it, I have my blood battle technique.

Only few can summon demons. But they need a casting circle, and most of the time, the demons will overthrow the one who summoned them, killing them.
But with me, I don't need a circle or some ritual. And the demons will respond to my commands rather than betray me.

For tonight I decided to wear a skirt and a tank. Nothing too fancy. I looked back at the clock.


Well, I guess I should go up.

I walked up the stairs, which took me forever. When I reached the door to the roof, I opened it.

Okay, I see some lights.
A table with two chairs.
And Black..wearing a blue trench coat?..and what with his hair.

He noticed me in deep thought and smirked.

"I didn't think you would come to be honest." He chuckled.

I walked towards him and laughed.

"What's with the hair. It looks cool. Oh, and why are you wearing a trench?"

"Well, I didn't want to look like some noob, so I thought I could play it cool for tonight."
He shrugged, walking me other to the tiny circle table. We both sat across from each other.

"Why aren't you wearing your glasses?" I asked.

"I thought I could put in contacts for tonight. As I said before, playing it cool."

I started to laugh.

"Jesus, you are a noob. And sorry to burst your bubble, but 'playing it cool' is something you can't do."

He tilted his head and smirked and me, leaning forward.

"Wanna bet?"

"How much?"

What the hell did I just say.

With those words, I felt a foot creep up my leg.
I shivered and looked at him.
He was biting his lip as he crept further, And then stopped.

"Maybe we could continue this game of ours else where?"

"Your room or mine?"


Am I sexually attracted to Black?
Alright fine.
Okay. Happy?
I'm attracted to Black.
I don't know if its me talking, or my horny cravings though.

Well, soon enough I found myself pinned against his apartment wall, my hands above my head. His sweet kisses trailed down my neck.
It was different though.

They were rough.

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