Goodnight/Goodbye Kisses

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[Y/N's POV]
We were 14 and 15 when it happened.

"You can't just leave me with him?! this house needs 3 women!"
White shouted, pointing at Black, who noticed the attention aiming towards him.

"Hey!? What does this have to do with me?!"
He yelled back, fixing his glasses. I put my finger towards my lips.

"Shhhh, guys! you'll awake up your parents!"
I whispered frightfully. White chuckled a bit, along with Black. I sighed and tilted my head down.

"I know you guys are upset with me...I would be too in your situation..but I'm being sent to Libra because my ability is getting stronger, meaning I'll need more help to control it. You're parents kinda helped me make it sustainable, but I need more help.."

White looked up with her worried looking puppy dog eyes.
"It's kinda you can move stuff with your mind and communicate/summon demons to help you.."

Black let out a nervous chuckle.

I could tell he Was about to get upset. He was a little tearful. They were sitting aside together, so I leaned in the middle of the and hugged the both of them, and they hugged backed.
Black's arms were tighter around me though. As if he held onto me like his life depends on it.

"[Y/N]..when do you leave?.." He sniffled. I sighed and leaned back around, putting my hand on his shoulders.

"You're going to miss me...aren't you?.." I asked. He looked down and nodded. I slightly smiled. I ignored his question and looked up at he clock. It was 11:36pm.

"Guys, its late...we should get some rest." They nodded and got in their seperate beds. I slept in the guest bedroom, it was the room right next to them.

I said goodnight to them and quietly shut the door. I entered my room and crawled into the bed. I stayed on top of the covers, my back leaning against the bed frame as I read a book. a couple minutes into reading and I heard a faint knock at my door. I got up to answer it, and it was Black.He looked down at me, considering he was a bit taller then me, not by much though. He was a little flushed, I guess he was embarrassed. Soon he choked up his words.

"[Y-Y-Y/N]...would you mind if I sleep with you tonight?.." He tried to spill out his words all at once. I chuckled and offered him inside. "Haha, yes Will, c'mon in." He smiled and came inside.
He hasn't slept in my room for a while, not since we were kids, considering the fact that now he was 15 and I'm 14. When we were younger, and I came here to train my abilities with their parents, I would usually wake up to him sniffling and sobbing from having a bad nightmare, resulting to him sleeping with me.

It seemed to comfort him...

He sat down on my bed and I sat next to him, setting my book on the bedside table. He chuckled at the sight of it.

"Heh, still reading that same book?"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. The book was, [Your Favorite chapter book] and I've been reading it since I was little.

"I seem to like it." I smiled back at him and he nodded. He rearranged his hand and accidentally leaned it on mine. He didn't know his actions until a few seconds later, he reached away and started to blush.

"[Y-Y/N]...I really like you,ya know?.." He mumbled. I perked up, surprised in how confident.. also sound pretty nervous on how he pronounced it.

"You do?" I asked with a faint smile.

He sat up and his face flushed.


I rolled my eyes and leaned over to him, kissing him on the cheek.

"Black, I like you too.." A slight blush rose from my cheeks.

He blushed and smiled, sitting up all the way to "his side" of the bed and leaning his back against the bedframe. I decided to do the same and sat along side him, our shoulders touching.

"There's something that I want to ask you..and yes, this might sound cheesey." He mumbled.

I chuckled and shrugged.

"Go ahead."

"Ca-can I kiss you?.."


"A goodbye kiss..just one! I promise!..I just want you to remember me as your first kiss..."

I was shocked on how confident he sounded. I leaned up to him and embraced his face, surprisingly he was the first to lean in, crashing his lips against mine.We stayed still for awhile, and then our lips started moving to a silent rythm. My mind went blank, and my focus on my lips, my body.
He kissed me passionately, and I felt something tense up inside me, causing my hips to move. He broke the kiss, both gasping for and and panting out wet tongues.

"Will..shouldn't we wait?.. When we are older?" I asked, making a nervous smile.

He blushed and looked down, making the same face as mine.

"Y-yea..but..will I see you?.." He asked, the last part sounded in a serious tone.

I chuckled in response and nodded.

"Of course I will! You know where to find me!Now c'mon, its late, and I need to get on the plane tomorrow." I smiled.

He nodded and we both went under the blankets, resting in the night.

°So that was a goodbye kiss..huh

I thought, as I drifted off to sleep.

Woooo first chapter is uppp!
Hey guys, its the Administrator, lalacosplay! This took me all day to write, and I would love feedback!

This story will contain lemons and other sexual/adult themes! Please read at your own risk!!!

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