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I picked this place because I like silence. I am a shy person, I am not comfortable in the company of other people. They used to say I am pretty. There was a boy in our village who wrote poems about my rosy cheeks and pink lips. My mother always said that I would be married off to a prince. I have dark brown curls that fall till my chest.

It's my parent's death anniversary, I have to go to the village today to pay my respects at their grave. There is no way I will find any means of transportation in this deserted mountain top. I'll have to walk till the highway. I'll have to meet people. I don't like meeting people. I don't like any noise.

I am on the highway, I can see the sun setting down the mountains. It's so beautiful, I am rejoicing in the beauty of the twilight when I see a car coming my way. Stepping out of the sidelines, I hold out my hand asking for a lift. The car passes by, I frown thinking it won't stop. But it stops at a distance. Anxiously, I walk towards the car. There will be more people in the car, I am nervous to talk to people. I am conscious of my beauty, I know I will be looked at with envy by women and with lust by men. I hate having to talk.

There is only one man in the car, the driver. He pulls down the window and looks up at me.

"Can you drop me till the village?" I ask. He nods and opens the door. I sit on the front next to him. Surprisingly, he doesn't stare at me, neither does he talk. I am relieved. I like silence. I look at him, he must be in his late 20s, broad shoulders and strong muscular arms. I realized I must be lurching. I quickly look away. I didn't realize when I dozed off. When I woke up, it was already dark. It took me a second to gather my thoughts. I could feel the car moving but it was too dark to even see my own hands. There were no headlights and it was a no-moon night.

When my eyes adjusted to the dark, I was shocked to see that there was no-one in the driving seat. The car was driving itself. I tried to shout but no sound escaped my mouth. The doors were locked and the windows won't roll down. I watched helplessly as the car drove off the cliff with me still inside. I kept falling down with the car deeper into the valley and that is when I felt his hand on mine. He gave me a devilish grin as he savored watching me die.

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