Like a precious doll (Haunted)

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Maina smiled sweetly as her mother combed her golden hair into pigtails and tied them both with red ribbons. Maina knew she was adopted, she remembered how cold and lonely it was where she grew up. She used to shudder at the thought of her previous home, where she was neglected and left alone. She loved her new mother. Her mother was the sweetest and treated her like a precious doll. She would wake  Maina up every morning and give her a bath, she would dress her in colorful frocks, comb her hair neatly in to new hairstyles every day and then have tea and breakfast with her. Maina's mother would hug her often, talk to her about everything that would go in the lives of her and her friends.

Maina was mute, even though she wanted to talk to her mother about so many things, she could never say them. She had been a mute since birth. Maybe that is why her birth mother abandoned her and maybe that is why her mother now home schools her. Maina did not mind being home schooled. She loved when her mother would go to the board and teach her to read and write. She knew she would be made fun of if she went to a real school. Maina knew her mother understands her, even though she could not say anything. Her mother could read her eyes.

Mother used to go out every day for hours. She said it was necessary. There were other people in the house to take care of her, she would say before going. But other people in the house would not take care of Maina like mother did. Grandmother used to live in the house but she was always busy in her own life. Maina could tell that grandmother did not like her much.

One day she heard grandma scolding mother, "Eva, what is this behavior? I can't keep doing everything in the house. You should take some responsibility too. Go and dry the dishes now."

That night, mother was sad. She was crying as she hugged me on the bed. I was angry at grandma. I wanted to help Mother. I hugged mother more closely and we both fell asleep. Half way through the night, I got up. I could not sleep peacefully. I could not see mother sad. I tip toed to grand ma's room. She was sleeping with the TV on. How could she sleep so peacefully after hurting mother? I was so angry at her. I did not know how it happened but as I was concentrating all my anger on grandma, my eyes began to feel hot, my body started trembling, evil thoughts started running through my mind. I wanted her to die for making my mother sad. I wanted the ceiling fan to fall on her and cut her throat. And that is exactly what happened.

I was shocked, I wanted to shout but I was mute. I got out of my trance and felt horrible. Did I do it? Was it an accident? What just happened? I went back to mother's room. She was still sleeping peacefully unaware of what just happened. Not knowing what to do, I slipped back in her arms and tried to sleep myself.

Next day morning, there were a lot of people at our home. Mother was crying too much. I made her sad. An old lady, was hugging mother.

"Oh dear, this is the most unfortunate. I can't understand how could this happen. You poor poor child. What will become of you now? You must come with me. I will take care of you. First your father died in the factory and now your mom, my sweet sweet Jane is dead." The old lady was sobbing.

My mother loosened herself from the old lady's grip and came to hug me. She picked me up in her arms, hugged me and cried inconsolably.

"It is going to be okay mother." I wanted to say. "She will not be hurting us anymore."

The old lady came to us and took us in her arms. "Let's go child. We have to go now. The police have to do their work. We will come back for your things later. You can bring the doll you are holding for now. It is going to be okay. This is too much for a 5 year old. Oh God! Be merciful!"

So mother and I went with the old lady. I hope the old lady is better to us than Grandma was.

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