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I had a troubled childhood. My father worked late night shifts and would often come home drunk, sometimes with strange women. My mother didn't like it but she didn't say anything to papa. Papa would often abuse us but mostly he used to go to his room with the strange women, leaving me and mama alone. Mama would hug me and rock me till I fell asleep. Mama didn't cook anymore, she didn't clean anymore, and our house was a mess. I grew quieter at school, I was not regular with my homework. There was nobody at home to help me with my homework. I had no friends left.

It was not always like this. Ours was a happy home once. I had birthday parties wherein I used to invite my whole class. There was a clown in my party and balloons and cake and gifts. It was the best day of my life. Things started changing from the day I saw mama and papa fighting. It was a huge fight, they were shouting. I was scared, very scared. Then papa punched the wall and mama started crying. I started crying too. Mama held me up in her arms and started walking towards the door, but papa didn't let her.

"Put Allie down, she isn't going anywhere", he snarled. Mama held me tighter. Then he hit mama, and we fell on the floor. Papa picked me up and locked me in my room. I heard their shouting for some more time but then fell asleep crying on my bed. Next day when I woke up mama was not at home. I searched for her everywhere but couldn't find her. Papa sent me to grandma's place for a few days. When I got back everything had changed. I still couldn't find mama and papa was far away even though we were in the same house. The night when papa brought the first strange woman home and I went to my room feeling terrible, I saw mama sitting on my bed.

She looked pale and she was wearing the same white night-dress she was wearing the last time I saw her. She always wears that dress now. Her lips had turned blue and her eyes had turned saggy. I was anxious at first when I saw her, I thought she was sick. Then she held open her arms for me and I went running to her. She hugged me, I shivered from the cold. That was the first night she rocked me to sleep, singing my favorite lullaby.

When I turned 7, I told mama I want a birthday party. Mama told me to ask papa. That evening papa came home drunk with a woman I didn't know. They were both still drinking and the woman laughed at me, she laughed at the patch I had stitched myself in my night suit because papa didn't have the time to buy me a new one, she laughed at my hair which hadn't been combed, she laughed because I was so skinny as I only ate cereal and juice for all meals, she laughed at my torn socks. Tears were building up in my eyes not because the woman was laughing at me, but because papa didn't say anything to her.

"Papa..." I stammered. He was not listening. I felt a cold bony hand on my shoulder, I looked up, it was mama. She was crying for me. I turned around to hug her.

"What is she doing? Your daughter is a total cuckoo", I heard the woman saying.

"Yeah, she takes after her mother.", papa said and started laughing. They left us in the living room and went to papa's room. Mama held me up in her arms and rocked me to sleep in my bed. That night she didn't stay with me like every night. Next day when I was in school, someone from the principal's office came and spoke to my teacher. The teacher came to me and asked me to go out with her. I looked at mama sitting near the window, she nodded. We both went out with the teacher.

"Oh dear Allie, I don't know how to tell this to you. You poor kid, you poor poor kid.", the teacher said and hugged me. Mama was staring at her, she didn't like what my teacher was doing. I pulled away from her. I liked Ms. Bennet, I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. "It's okay mama", I whispered. I didn't see or hear from Ms. Bennet after that day.

My grandparents came some time later and took me home with them. I had a decent childhood after then, I had enough food, toys and clothes. I even made a few friends that my mother approved of in school. I didn't know anything then, but when I grew older, I got to know that, both my father and the woman were found dead that day. They were both found naked in the park and their faces were scratched as by some wild animal, their bodies were twisted in un-humanly angles and their eyes were pulled out from the sockets. Mama still lives with us and she still rocks me to sleep every night even though I am 18 years old now. I would soon be moving out of my grandparents' house. As I am writing this, mama is sitting with me and stroking my hair.

*Author's note*: Hey...pls comment and let me know how you like/dislike my work. *VOTE*

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