You Meet V.1

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It was your first time going to Playlist Live! and you were going to make the most of it. You came for one reason, and one reason only. See Toby Turner. He has been your idol, and saviour for years. Helping you out after a tough day at school, stopping you from harming yourself, everything he did seemed to help you, so you thought that it would be a good idea to thank him. In person.

You stood in line that seemed to take up the entire room and waited. Your, soon-to-be-signed Tobuscus shirt in hand and phone ready to capture the moment. You have been rehearsing your thank you in your head for an hour now, and it seems more like a speech. As the line shortened, the image of his smiling face was getting bigger and bigger. 5 people. 4 people. 3. 2. 1. This is it. In front of you is the one thing (LoL One Thing ^-^) that has kept you together, the one person that could always cheer you up. And your standing there with your mouth slightly parted looking into his eyes with a look of mesmerization and longing. After what seemed like a lifetime of you two looking at each other you hand him the shirt and he gratefully accepts and signs it. As soon as it's back in your hands, your shoved out of the way by a bitchy girl. He looks at you with sad eyes and then talks to the girl. All those things you wanted to say. All the thank you's, everything was a waist of time. He barely even noticed you. To him, your just some weird fangirl trying to get attention. You slowly make your way out of the auditorium without glancing at anything else, until something catches your eye. The signature in the shirt is longer than i should be.

Meet me at the entrance of the room in half an hour. ;)

Toby Turner

Butterflies began to flutter in your stomach as this new hope (STAR WARS REFERENCE!!) rose and you jumped at the opportunity to speak with him.

Half an hour past, then an hour, then another half an hour. Was he coming? You didn't know. Maybe he forgot? A lot of people in your life have so why would this be any different? You turned around after one last glance and started towards the door.

"WAIT!!!" Someone yelled. You looked back to see none other than Toby Turner running towards you figure. Everyones eyes were on you two, he sure did know how to make an entrance. Once he reached you he took a second to catch his breath and then began to speak.

"I had to see you again. You looked like you had a lot to say," he smiled. You returned the gesture.

"How much time do you have?" You asked in a serious manner causing him to laugh.

"Starbucks? My treat." He sounded like you felt, happy. This moment could never end.

You guys ended up taking and from then on, you never needed Youtube to cheer yourself up. You had all you needed right there.


A/N: Daw! Don't you just live happy endings? Sorry it took so long to come out. But I'm busy too! 



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