Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

~ Griffindor Common Room ~

"You know, you're starting to act really weird lately!" Ron shouted as Lillian moved from one end of the sofa, onto the other.

"How so, Ronald?" she grinned.

"Well, first of, nobody ever sees you... ever! The only time we do see you is in the morning, and sometimes at night, even then you're that discreet that we have to actually search for you to notice you. It's weird! And also, you always hang around with those Slytherin people! I mean, what's that all about, eh Harry?"

Harry, who had been to busy focusing out of the window to realise, muttered, "Oh! Uh, what?"

"Nevermind! What 'bout you Hermione?"

Hermione shrugged her shoulders, saying, "Whatever Lillian get's up to, that's her buisness. I suggest you keep your big nose out of it, Ron!"

Lillian mimed a thank you, but did not miss the cold look in Hermione's eyes, and she called her Lillian - not Lilly like she used to before the summer.

"Hey, Hermione, what's wrong?"

"What do you mean what's wrong? I'm fine."

"You seem a little..."

"Angry? Jealous? Annoyed? -"

"RON! Be quiet will you!"

"She's bound to be! You were supposed to be her mate, then you go and ditch her for -"

"Silencio!" Hermione shouted, and the voice of Ron Weasley was no longer heard. "Ron is right, though... You've sort of... abandoned us..." Hermione was getting a little pink.

"What age are we? Five? Of course I've not ditched you! I've just been busy, that's all. You know how hard it is trying to have a life whilst studying all the time."

"I do, of course, but that's besides the point. So much has happened, Lilly, and it's all been kept from you. I don't like keeping secrets from friends."

"Me either," Lillian admited. "I'm sorry, OK. I just..."

"Don't apologise. Just promise that you'll not be so much of a stranger for now on, OK?"

"OK, I promise!" They even shook hands on it. However, Lillian's promise was soon broken the following week after when she started to disappear more regularly than ever. Something was happening to her; she was feeling different all of a sudden. Even Leo noticed this. He said to her that when he held her hand, she felt cold, and different.

"Ah, ha, ha, haaaaa! Well, you know what they say Leo? Cold hands, warm heart," but she wasn't entirely sure.

~ The Forbidden Forest ~

It was mid October when the change in Lilly became clear. She had been undergoing mass changes - both emotion and physical. For instance, when Lillian was supposed to be feel cold, she'd be roasting, vice versa. When Lillian felt happy, it'd instantly be replaced with... nothing. She wasn't liking it. It kept her up late one night. She was sat on the window sill in her dormitory - she could hear Hermione snoring from across the room - and she peered out into the darkness of the night.

She hadn't expected to see what she had seen. It was Professor Lupin, again, going out for another of his midnight strolls on a full moon. It had been a while since Lillian ventured out at night, and she had learned the hard way last time. BUT! If she was quick enough, she'd be able to catch the professor in time before he stepped into the forest. Quickly, she pulled her boots over her pyjama bottoms, buttoned up her jumper and ran towards the memorable secret passageway.

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