do you know what i hate?

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**wagwan jellyfishes : D this is the next chapter. It's not going to be a short story (insert boos) but it's just going to be my thoughts. This is a delving into the life of moi. What do i hate? Well read on to find out. By the way i will be writing like i talk so if you don't understand something please tell me.**

 1- Racists

 Ugh why do people become racist? It's so uncalled for. It's like what the fuck is your problem? i get on fine with you but you refuse to get along with me just because of my colour and because I'm supposedly "taking all your jobs" mofo do you hear yourself? i wouldn't have to take your freaking job if you actually worked for it. Us immigrants are more hard working than you aborigines will ever be. we try while you just sit on your arses eating your life away complaining we took your jobs. Mofo no. just low it right because it's a tough world out there and those who work hard will get their rewards. And p.s if you're going to be racist at least get your facts right because last time i check I'm not a paki because 1. I'm not from Pakistan and 2. I'm African. Get it in your head AFRICAN! also making monkey noises ain't right neither because if evolution is correct we're all decedents of monkeys so by you making monkey noises you're saying I'm normal so... CHEERS :D 

PPS don't make clicking noises at me because Africa is a CONTINENT not a country. Not everyone freaking clicks their tongue when they talk in their native language.

 In closing, you know what they say; racism starts at home so blame the parents and also racists are AROGANT so choke on that.

 (N/A ooh what a rant)

 2- People who only like things once they're popular

 Oh god this really gets my liver bubbling. I'm going to take you back to a conversation i had a while ago with my friend.

 Me: have you heard one time by Justin bieber (don't kill me this was back then)

 Her: yeah it sucks i can't stand Justin bieber

 Me: no i think it's good, i like him

 Her: ok... (Looks at me like I'm a loser)

 **two weeks later everyone is gaga on jb**

 Her: Omg have you heard one time by Justin bieber?

 Me: (looking at her like wtf) yeah i already told you i did and you said it sucks

 Her: no i didn't

 Me: yes you did

 (It goes back and forth for ages until i decide low it and just let her think she's right)

 My point is that she didn't like jb until he was liked by everyone else and now she's like his number one stalker. it annoys me this because why did she have to wait for other peoples' approval? It's sad and pathetic. Be original. By the way she put me right off Justin Bieber, she just straight out killed him for me.

 This is same for Nicki Minaj. You never liked her before everyone else did so dont lie and pretend you've always liked her.


 Ugh i hate these people. to those who don't know what a chav is let me give you a definition: A chav is a stereotype of certain people in the United Kingdom. "Chavs" are aggressive teenagers, of working class background, who repeatedly engage in anti-social behaviour such as street drinking, drug abuse and rowdiness, or other forms of delinquency. These "people" walk around wearing track suit bottoms that are wedged in football socks. They walk around terrorizing the neighbourhood with their rowdiness. They are just so annoying playing their crappy music loudly on the bus as if they don't have headphones. Who the hell wants to listen to their music? I hate chavs because they just tend to think they are so tough when really they are not. They are just huge attention seekers that need a life. I must admit when i was 10-12 i dressed like a chav (everyone gasps) but it was only to fit in with everyone since chav was the cool thing around *shakes my head in disbelief)

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