Chapter 3

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Its been nearly a week since that weird night, but nothing has happened and everything seems normal thankfully, well as normal as me and Aingealag can get. We were back at school and I wish we weren't. People kept staring at us even though we were never near each other, yeah we had a lot of classes but I sat at the back beside the wall and she sat up front beside the window and basked in the sun when it made an appearance. No one could deny we were total opposites.
Aingealag was sweet, kind and caring. She lived to please everyone whenever she could, she always wore dark clothes so no one could see any dirt she might end up in when she falls over or trips into. She had beautiful long black curly hair that always sat right whatever the weather. She always had a perfect tan, even in winter. Who knew where she found the sun but she did. Her eyes were a light blue, sometimes they looked so light you would think it was neon contact lenses, her eye lashes, long dark and thick leaving her with no need for eye liner or mascara. Her cheeks always had perfect colour in them all year round. Her lips was full and naturally deep pink.
When she doesn't move you would think she was a mannequin in a high end store somewhere. She is tall and athletic looking, even though she sucks at all things active apart from fighting with me, apparently. She could be mistaken for a sports model most of the time. Everyone loves her and they all love to be around her. She always makes time for everyone and is always in a light and brilliant mood, always smiling and laughing, whatever is thrown her way.
Now compared to me she is a goddess, me? I looked like something that hell spat out in bad taste. I am taller than Aingealag only by a couple of inches, I have light brown hair that is wild and frizzy, each attempt to get it under control or styled just made it worse. My skin was usually really pale, sometimes it looked liked someone just painted me white with two almost black eyes, a bulbous nose and pencil thin lips that was a mix of pink. Any time I spend in the sun resulted in me going all blotchy and spotty for a few days, and left me feeling really ill. I had freckles on random parts of my body such as my neck, my finger and some beside my jaw line.
I am a bit hefty compared to most people at school. I always wore light clothes when i can but school uniform forbids it, well apart from the shirt. My nails are always as short as they can be unlike hers which are always long and clean, which I never understood how she kept her nails so long and so clean. She is perfect in every way, but me, i am far from it.
We were in the music department when I noticed everyone staring at us. She was talking to Mrs Jamerson about getting lessons to play an instrument outside of class hours after a few words were exchanged between them the class went silent. I looked around and they were all turned and staring in our direction, no one seemed to blink. I could feel my heart pounding, trying to break free from my chest. I hated any attention, but Aingealag is use to it so it took her a few minutes to notice. She looked at me with concern in her eyes.
It was then that I noticed Mrs Jamerson staring at her without blinking. It was if everyone was frozen in time. If I hadn't seen their chest moving in and out slowly I would have said they were frozen in time. I shoved my book in my back and Aingealag soon copied me, they seemed to follow our movement once we both had our stuff we left, they just watched but as soon as we got out of their sight, we noticed that four of them started to follow us.
Their eyes seemed to constantly change colour and their movement seemed robotic at best. They seemed to walk in sync to each other like some kind of march. Their hair all changed to black with streaks each one had a different colour of streak. Kelsey, a petite blonde girl, now had jet black hair with mint green streaks. Jason, a smallish guy with a noticeable sweet tooth once had bleach blonde hair that showed his dark hair roots now had jet black hair with deep orange streaks. Rose who had light ginger hair now had jet black hair with purple streaks and then there was Emmanuel not sure what colour of hair he had before only seen him around a couple of times, he now had jet black hair like the others with white streaks.
Aingealag and I ran down the stairs till we got to the next set of doors and ran through part of the science block in to the modern languages department, just as we got half way through the junior social area we were stopped by a large group of people most of them were students some were teachers they just stood there staring at us we turned to run the way we came but were blocked by the four that was following us and a few others i recognised a few of them but didn't know who they were, i have just seen them now and then around school.
They all just stood there and stared. Kelsey, Jason, Rose and Emmanuel stood in a straight line in front of the crowd that came in the same was as we did. There was no way out. No one spoke and it looked like no one was blinking either. I kept Aingealag behind me as i kept looking back and fourth to the two groups, trying to figure our what is going on but most importantly a way out. Out of nowhere there was a harsh breeze whirling around the large room.
I looked at the windows, only one of them was open and it was just a small gap not big enough to allow this kind of breeze in then it happened again. I heard whispers that seemed to be carried by the wind. I looked at each other the groups and i couldn't see anyone's lips move."Time stand still... Freeze those around... With no thrill... Make no sound... Make us unclear... While unsafe... Hide our fear... Till we are safe... Let trackers go blind... Make us unseen... No one can find... Where we have been..."
Those words played over and over again in my head then something. Something stirred inside me and the next thing i knew i was saying those words over and over again as fast as i could. After the sixth time i stopped, i looked around for a moment not sure what to expect, i didn't think anything would happen but as i turned to face Aingealag i head several grunts and screams. I looked in each direction and gasped. In taking the time to hang around to see what was happening, i grabbed her wrist and ran dragging her behind me. We ran out of the modern languages department's fire escape.
We kept running up the hill and down in to the city centre. Not knowing where to go or what to do, i decided that we should hurry back to Torry and get what we can of our stuff and get as far away as possible. We still had £800 left over from when we left home and we had a total of £300 from wallets i managed to get, as well as a few credit cards and bank cards. We only kept the cards we had pins to and we managed to get passwords for some of the credit cards. We changed clothes and put on our wigs that we used when we were going to use the cards. Once we got what we needed we left and went to the library to use the internet access.
Once we looked through books on places in Scotland and picked where we should go, we went online and bought train tickets to our chosen place. The train was due to leave in an hour so we thought it would be a good idea to go get some food and drinks and essentials for the journey. After 50 minutes we were at the train station waiting to get on the train. We stayed out of sight until we seen the train come in and we ran and picked up our tickets and went straight to get our train. Ten minutes later we were on our way to some place in Fife.

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