Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of laughter and the smell of honey and something else that didn't smell nice. It took me a moment to realise where we were, but as soon as I did I instantly looked for Aingealag. I looked in the kitchen but no one was there, but the cooker was on and there was three bowls of what looked like porridge and honey. I gagged at the sight of it. I looked for clues where they were, I didn't want to look in every room, I don't want to know what was behind those doors.
The laughter filled the air again and I followed it. After a few twists and turns I finally came to a stop out side a bright orange door with a sign saying "KNOCK AND WAIT." I don't know if I should barge in or knock and wait I don't know if it was them and I don't want to barge in if it wasn't but I had to make sure Aingealag is ok. I took a deep breath and knocked very hard on the door, hurting my hand in the process. I was about to open the door when Aingealag opened it, smiling and looking happy. She took one look at me and the happiness dimmed. I could hear whispers coming from the room but couldn't make out what they were saying.
"You ok?" I asked in a whisper to Aingealag
"Yeah" she replied looking a little angry for some reason
"What's wrong?" I asked the concern I have is genuine
"Nothing!" she snapped
"Something obviously is" I replied with worry taking over
"I said nothing!" she hissed slamming the door in my face
"DON'T SLAM THE DOOR IN MY FACE!" I shouted loosing my temper and throwing the door open "GET YOUR STUFF WE ARE LEAVING!"
"YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!" she screamed turning her back to me
"WHAT THE HELL HAS GOTTEN IN TO YOU?" I shouted grabbing her arm to turn her to face me
"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME" she screamed pushing me over
"GO SCREW YOURSELF" she replied going through another door
"WHY DON'T YOU JUST QUIT BEING A BRAT AND GET YOUR STUFF BITCH!" I shouted back at her trying to open the door, but couldn't "OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!" no answer, and the door still wouldn't budge "OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!"
I stopped, and turned to see two people watching one with concern on her face and even more wrinkles and what looks like scars than i seen before and another with what appeared to be amusement on his face. He was tall and thin, but muscular. He wore a dark gray pinstriped suit with a light gray handkerchief sticking out of his breast pocket, and a matching hat to the suit,, his shoes were black and shiny, so shiny I swear I could see the reflection of our surroundings. It was then I paid notice to the room well the lack of the room.
There was no walls not even ones to hold the doors up right, the ground was grassy with flowers growing around the edge of the area. The table looked elegant and was white with a floral padded seat. On the table was a large cake, a large teapot and four teacups and saucers and four small plates. I looked up and the sun was shining bright, but something was different, I wasn't being effected by it like I usually am. It is nice to feel the sun on my skin without feeling ill or anything, there was a nice cooling breeze every now and then but the sky is white, pure white.
I could feel my face going bright red as my heart started to beat faster and faster. I know what is going to happen next, so I have two choices. One, allow myself to have a panic attack right now in front of them or put on a front and get the hell out of here. I didn't want to leave Aingealag but I couldn't get to her this now. I took one look at the guy and knew he would be able to take whatever I threw at him but she couldn't so I decided to let my anger continue to seep out and aim it at him
"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT? YOU WANT A PICTURE IT LASTS LONGER YOU CREEP, WHAT ARE YOU SOME KIND OF PERV THAT GETS OFF ON SEEING TWO LASSIES ARGUING? YOU FREAK" I shouted walking towards the door turning my back to them. Within a blink the guy was in front of me blocking my way to the door "get out of my way" I said through gritted teeth, on the verge of loosing control.
"Now, now Petal, don't be afraid, I don't bite" he smiled, speaking in a thick Glaswegian accent, with a glint in his eyes. Which were a mix of shades of green with a hint of blue.
"You may not but who is to say I don't bite?" I replied trying to go around him
"Now that is no way for a young lady to speak" he replied reaching out to me placing a hand gently on my shoulder trying to turn me around "why don't you come and join us for a cuppa and some cake? It is really delicious"
"Drop dead" I replied elbowing him in the chest, he didn't even flinch
"Now that is definitely not the way for a young lady, such as yourself, to behave" his smile
"Where do you live? Under a rock?" I replied "ladies do not exist in this day and age"
"That is were you are wrong" he smiled steering me towards the table that they once stood beside
"Get your hands of me before I do you some damage!" I replied practically growling at him, it was getting harder for me to breath and I was starting to panic.
"It's ok Petal, just breath" he replied looking straight in my eyes
"Just breath" I whispered back to him feeling relaxed and a bit foggy minded, all the anger that I was clinging on to was gone, like it just melted away. I started to feel woozy and lightheaded nothing was clear to me it was like walking through a thick forest in thick fog, so hard to see it is like I stopped thinking for myself and someone else was in control. An alarm went of inside of me, something isn't right. Something is wrong very wrong. As I sat down, I heard footsteps behind me and Aingealag sat down opposite me. She looked everywhere else but me,
"You calmed down sweetie?" asked the guy smiling at Aingealag
"Yes sir, sorry sir," she replied with her biggest smile and her biggest eyes and her happiest sigh
"NO!" I shouted for no reason, it was like my mouth wasn't connected to my brain and I wasn't sure what I was going to say "NO, THIS IS ALL WRONG!"
"Nothing is wrong, everything is fine, its better than fine, everything is perfect and we are all having a great time we are all relaxed and there is nothing to worry about" said the guy with his hand on my shoulder
"WHAT THE..." I replied turning to him, I started "Fine... Perfect... Relaxed..." a haze started to roll over me and everything was foggy nothing was clear and my head was starting to throb, then all of a sudden I took a sharp breath and started to shout for no reason. "NO, NO! NO! THIS IS ALL WRONG, STOP IT JUST STOP IT, NO MORE! LEAVE US ALONE!" then suddenly it was all clear he was doing something, I don't know what, but he was defiantly doing something, something to control us each time he touched me each time I looked in his eyes "YOU?" I looked to him "YOU! ITS YOU!"
"What are you talking about?" he asked looking back in to my eyes, it was then that I noticed his eyes have changed colour, they are now a multi shade of blue with green flakes through out and very large pupils "everything is ok no need to worry" he said with his hand on my shoulder.
I started to get hazy again so I closed my eyes tight and stood up to get away from him. He got up and followed me to the door, placing a hand on each shoulder and gripping me tightly. I tried to get away but couldn't move, then with all the strength I could muster I pulled out. As I did I heard a crunching sound and a crack, moments later searing hot pain cursed through my body making me scream a few moments later everything was starting to get dark and silent darkness surrounded and that is the last thing I remembered.

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