Chapter 11

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"Someone is taking liberties here!" I whispered to myself as I felt a hand clasping high up on my thigh
"Its not what you think!" Stated a stern male voice "so don't think about muttering anything you shouldn't!"
"Tell me what's going on and I will think about not saying anything!" I snapped back
"Wait for it!" He hissed back at me as the hand started to get stronger and tighter against my thigh.
My legs started to throb, spreading fast through out my body and up in to my head, causing me to gasp with the pain that seemed to grow stronger with every millisecond the hand touched my thigh. Heat soon radiated through my pain riddled body causing me to sweat uncontrollably.
"Almost there!" he grunted as I started to have trouble breathing "Nearly... There... Got it!"
As quick as the pain had started it was gone. Light shone bright around a dark shadowed figure towering over me.
"And she is back with the living" huffed another males voice as the shadowed figure moved away from me causing me to squint with the too bright of a light above me. As my eyes adjusted, the voices registered with me, causing me to sit up way too fast for my own good.
"Someone better tell me what's going on!" I growled "and fast!"
"That's what I would like to know too!" hissed Mr McDougall "What do you think you are going?"
"Mr McDougall?" I almost gasped with fear
"Give it up Una I know you are in there!" he raised his voice with such anger it made me flinched
"W... w... what are you t... t... talking about?" I stammered
"Una, cut it out!" he growled storming over to me from across a newly expanded room "you are nothing but a selfish control freak who will do anything it takes to do the job even put everything and everyone in danger and expose us all!" he raged in front of me "and for crying out loud, stop expanding the room!"
"But... How?" Was all I could say
"You obviously don't have all your original memories back then!" He replied looking lost in thought "Let me guess... The Nikkelzon's?"
"Unknown dominoes" was all I would say for now
"Well I know one thing for sure..." He trailed off
"Hmm..." Was all I heard from behind me
"What the..." I trailed off as I turned to see a large wide roof to floor mirror with my reflection standing in a deep blood red 50's style dress. I looked down I was still wearing black trousers and a black top. I looked back up, she stood there tapping her red rounded heals against the hard wooded floor.
"Oh, nothing just thinking out loud" replied Mr McDougall
"I can't hear you"I raised my voice
"Una?" Asked the other male voice
"I can't hear her!" I cried out as the mirror image of me started shouting at me "why can't I hear her?"
"What are you talking about?" asked Mr McDougall asked walking in to my line of sight causing me to trip while I tried to keep her in my sights, but she was gone. I froze unsure what just happened and unaware of the crazed look that seemed to be glued on my face. A hand waved in front of me causing me to flinch back to reality
"What?" I asked storming off feeling confused, dizzy and agitated
"Una!" Mr McDougall raised his voice trying to get my attention but I could focus I had to find out what she was saying "UNA!" He screamed in front of me bringing himself back in to my focus
"WHAT?" I screamed back at him shaking beyond control
"What just happened?" He demanded
"Nothing" I replied walking to the door, all fears about Shovka forgotten
"UNA! What did you see?" Asked the other males voice
"You seen me too?" I asked
"Yeah, I seen you too..." He lied
"What was I saying?" I asked desperate for answers
"I, like you couldn't hear her either" he replied with worry in his eyes "I liked what you were wearing" he said trying to get me talking about it
"I would never wear that dress especially in that disgusting red. Or shoes such as those hideous ones she had on" I replied absentmindedly " if only I can find out what I was saying"
"There could be away..." He started to say before getting cut off
"What do you think you are doing?" Growled Mr McDougall shoving him to the side
"Let it happen!" He demanded
"She has lost it. There is nothing to let happen it was just a trick of the mind" hissed Mr McDougall
"Something was in the mirror" he whispered back "I couldn't see what but something was there"
"What way?" I asked, trembling with fear
"I will not lie it is dangerous and very painful if we survive but if you really need to I will be willing to help and be your donor" he said sobering me up from my emotion overload "we only have a short time to do it if you want to go up against the risks I am with you"
"Why?" I asked "why would you help me after everything I have said and done?"
"Especially after all that, you were truthful and even though it was unpleasant I am grateful for it" he said with kind eyes  "but be careful with which ever decision you make"
"Don't do it Una!" Demanded Mr McDougall
"What do you mean by donor?" I asked, ignoring Mr McDougall
"You need a donor to project your sights memory to and through for someone else to see" he replied eyeing up Mr McDougall
"This is madness!" Was all he grunted out
"I don't want to be the cause of anyone's pain" I replied fearful of the choice that lay out before me
"You won't be" he replied with certainty in his voice.
"Are you sure?" I asked secretly hoping he would say no so I didn't have to make the choice
"I wouldn't offer if I wasn't" he replied still holding my shoulders
"Ok..." I replied reluctantly
"We better get started we don't have much time left" he replied rushing off put of the room
"Please don't do this Una" Mr McDougall pleaded
"I don't know" I replied with tears stinging my eyes
"Ok!" Said the other guy coming back into the room "Una can you sit over there on the..."  He trailed off as soon as he looked at me "what happened?"
"I asked her not to do it" replied Mr McDougall
"She is back!" I cried out staring wide eyed at the mirror
"We have to hurry!" Stated the guy as he rushed past me to set a bag that was over flowing with little food bags that seemed to have some sort of herbs. He started pouring a thick dark red liquid in to a old looking glass that had what looked like foreign words scrolled around them. He rummaged through the bags taking out a pinch of its contents every now and then sniffing it before adding it to the glass and sometimes putting it back in the bag with a sour looking face.
Minutes ticked by feeling like hours, and as he mixed the thick gunky mixture trying to get rid of any lumps that was lurking within before adding what looked like water to thin it out a bit. "This is rank just so you know but you need to drink it all as fast as you can, And please try your best to keep it down for as long as possible!"
"Ok" was all I managed to stutter out
"Good" he smiled sympathetically to me "take a deep breath and drink now sooner the better and more chance of success"
"1... 2... 3..." I said before gulping the thick chunky drink down. It burned my insides as it slimed its way down. Trying not to gag on the acidic vomit taste it left behind. As the last drop hit my tongue, I started to sway, close to passing out. Feeling adrift from reality, feeling like I was floating through stilled time, hands grabbing mines brought be back, my body started to grow cold and hot at the same time. My eyes felt on fire against ice cold eyelids. I could feel a trail threading its way from the back of my eyes through my head down and in to my arms into my hands. It felt like fire had burst out of me somehow. I heard a gasp of pain then a moan of something else. Flashes of light flickered around me as my head began lower until it hung inhumanly low.
Chanting filled the air as pain flowed freely through me, unable to scream or do any other movement apart from swaying on my feet, tears over flowing, my body out of my control, unaware of what was going on around me, trapped within a battlefield of pain, tears and sweat. No sense of time or my surroundings. Feeling frozen in the never ending pit of pain, no way out, no way to stop it wanting death more and more with each and every passing second. The painful bright light suddenly was gone and I was in blissful peace. Nothing else existed. I felt completely free for the longest time, until the painful blinding light appeared again. Still unable to scream I gasped trying to take control of my body when I finally was able to scream, the sound foreign to my ears. My eyes flew open. Taking in everything. I cried out for help, that's when I seen them. I screamed the loudest I have ever did before.

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