Chapter 9

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I didn't know how much time had passed since I had some weird blackout, but it felt like an eternity had passed when I finally opened my eyes all I could see was Aingealag with red rimmed eyes and a glowing, knowing smile. I tired to sit up but failed, my body was weak but my mind felt energised, maybe a little to energised. Aingealag helped me up and propped me up against something cold, lumpy and hard. I tried to get comfy but the task seemed impossible. Once I stopped fidgeting around I started to look around. We were still at the pub but something was different.
"How long was I out for?" I asked looking around but couldn't see Agnes but Aingealag was with another female, she looked familiar but I couldn't place her. She was wearing what looked like the same outfit as Agnes which was weird the clothes looked like it was for the elderly not someone who looked like she was twenty something. "what happened? And where is Agnes?"
"Um... You passed out" replied Aingealag avoiding eye contact with me and looked like she was going to cry "You were only out for about ten minutes but you are ok now" she said matter of fact like
"Ten minutes? Seriously? Where did Agnes go?" I asked again. I looked at her looking anywhere but me then I looked at the other lass who was just standing there looking tired and like I just slapped her with a old look in her eyes. When no one answered me I continued to talk, I didn't even know what I was saying "So I am guessing you know something that I should know but don't know how to tell me, and for some reason I think you should know that you have forgotten something actually I know you have forgotten something, I don't know how I know but I know you have forgotten something but I don't know what I know who you are yet I don't..." I trailed off getting lost in my own thoughts
"What are you talking about Rikki?" asked Aingealag staring at me with an open mouth.
"She's right" said the woman with a thick Doric accent "I forgot..."
"To give me my memory back" I interrupted her "I see I am still in another body and I am guessing that you are Agnes?"
"Sorry, my Sister there was an issue with the soul of her body and your body seemed to vanish we are searching for you as we speak we thought we had more time" she replied with a stone cold face but I could still see the fear in her eyes."there is no excuse for our failure, my Sister"
"Mr Elliott was there wasn't he?" I asked
"Yes my Sister" replied Agnes
"Did he come after or before things started to go wrong?" I asked
"One week after my Sister" replied Agnes
"How long did it work?" I asked
"A couple of weeks, my sister" replied Agnes
"That's not good" I sighed trying to think but my head was still foggy, I scanned the room and noticed the even more paler than usual face of Aingealag. She looked like she has seen a ghost. It was then that it hit me! She doesn't know anything not even about herself. Great another problem. "get us back to our Aberdeenshire meeting place and secure the grounds we 'all' go do not let her out of your sight she will run"
"Yes my sister, but there is an issue with Aberdeenshire, it has been sold to the Dogs, sorry my sister" cringed Agnes
"What?" I replied almost letting my anger get the better of me "can you people do nothing right? How on earth did they get Aberdeenshire?"
"They may have gotten a hold of the deeds and gotten some forged documents to say they are the owners and sold it to the head of the Dogs for a share of the butchers in Aberdeen and all of Aberdeenshire" replied Agnes avoiding eye contact by staring at the floor below her feet. There were tears rolling down her face I was not sure if they were tears of fear or of the fact that she failed so many times in such a small amount of time.
"And you let this happen?" I growled trying to control myself "What about Erimar? She must know something"
"Sorry my sister, but we can not find her and we have tried everything that we could with the resources that we managed to get without you" replied Agnes going pale
"WHEN?" I snapped at her with a bit of saliva shooting out of my mouth
"The day after the casting my sister" whispered Agnes as her body started to tremble
"What else?" I asked trying to get calm again knowing that there must be something else that she is trying to hide from me
"I am sorry my sister" she sobbed as she fell to her knees "please forgive me, please lay me down with our goddess and reunite me with our ancestors"
"Darn Sabrina is a bit dramatic don't you think?" laughed a young man about twenty something standing behind Agnes but beside Aingealag "don't get me wrong I like a bit of drama now and then but she sounds like she is away to die or something"
"Who are you? How did you get in?" I asked standing up feeling weak in this foreign body
"Is that how you treat your friends?" he grinned
"I don't even know you" I replied trying to keep my face blank
"Don't say you don't recognise me Una?" he replied with a twisted smile
"Una?" I asked trying hard not to cross my arms, I must not show how I feel, not yet anyway
"Awe you wanna play games with me, how sweet" he replied tilting his head to the right still with the twisted smile.
"What are you talking about?" I asked feeling confused and light headed
"Shouldn't you be paying attention to Aggie?" he asked nodding his head to her still kneeling body
"Aggie?" I asked feeling shocked that someone other than the four people that knew her nickname from her childhood before the training
"Yeah" he breathed "as in your sister who is about to do something that I am sure she doesn't even know she is doing"
"What?" I said turning to see that Agnes, still kneeling there with tears gliding down her face her eyes so red you couldn't see the whites. It was then that I noticed her iris' they were a mix of green and red with flecks of black, making them look as if the pupil was breaking off and mixing with the iris. In a flash her head twisted at an awkward angle to the right. There was a bone crunching, skin crawling crack as her body became limp and fell to the ground moments later the roar of the bar that the bubble spell hid from us burst through. Seconds later there was a ear wrenching scream then shouts and screams it took me a minutes to realise that everyone was staring at us.
"I think that's your queue to point a finger or whatever you witches do and get us all the hell out of here" smiled the guy
"We can't there is CCTV" I replied not able to think or do anything
"Then I guess its up to me then" he smiled as he turned to the crowded bar "hello nosy parkers, hi, yeah over here look at me am the one talking. Yeah, ok, now that I have your attention let me explain the scene before you. Those two girls are sisters, and one of them as you see is in the middle of a unique seizure and fell off her wheel chair, which rolled off to the corner. Don't worry she will be fine ignore the sisters tears she gets emotional when this happens. Please sir put the phone down there is no need for an ambulance we will put her back in her chair and put her pastoral on and in front of her face so we wont scare anyway until she comes around so if you would please stop staring and we will be on our way" he turned to us still with that twisted smile but when I looked at his eyes it was then I knew who he is, well more what he is.

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