Chapter 12

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A light blue flash brought me to a violet and blue mixed room there I was, in that 50's horrible blood red dress and heels.
"Time is running out, stop delaying what needs to be done, once it's done you will get your own body back, unharmed. Stop being an imbecile!" I screeched, voice foreign to my ears. Suddenly it was like someone had pressed fast-forward and hit pause just as I reappeared.
As I stood there frozen, a shadow from behind moved towards me, covering my head, it was just for a brief moment, it was something I probably wouldn't have noticed but this time... this time I couldn't take my eyes off of it, it was like I was mesmerised by it
Suddenly the shadow disappeared and I was back to normal, well apart from my eyes and the neckline of the dress, they seemed to be a much darker version of themselves. I sat down on a chair which stood next to me. Somehow I ended up in a large theatre like room which seemed to echo sounds of tragedy.
"Death is meant for you..." whispered the voices "how did you escape?"
"Who's there?" I called out in a silenced voice
"Shhh" laughed the whisper "little girl you need to die... you need to come with me or Shovka will find you and I can promise that his doing will not be as pleasant as before"
Unable to find my voice I got up and ran down the stairs at the side of the stage, loud inaudible whispers erupted through the stale air. They seemed to be confused and angered. I looked back to see a cloaked figure shaking his head as he started running towards me. I ran as fast as I could, I pushed open the fire escape door and ran not seeing where I was. Something moved that caught my attention. It was me I looked around, the room was filled with bright lights and floor to roof mirrors I couldn't see any doors, or anyway out, an Aberdeen Evening Express was on the floor, the date was wrong it was 2019 October 23rd. That was years away. I seen my other self the one I was before... before what? I couldn't remember...
She seemed to be looking at me, like right at me. Panicked, I looked panicked but why? Maybe she can see me...
Lightning bolted across the room crashing into the mirror, smashing it in to thousands of shards.
Screams, screams was all I could hear I couldn't tell if they were mine or someone else's. I felt ice cold yet i could feel heat radiate through me like a wildfire tearing through some countryside. A piercing screech shot through the screams, then silence, deafening silence.
Peace soon followed. I don't know how much time had passed but eventually a feeling over took me, it felt like I was floating. I could feel myself soaring through the darkness like birds on a warm summers day with that blissful breeze every so often that makes it the perfect day not too hot and not too cold. I could feel myself getting higher and higher feeling more at peace than ever, never wanting this to stop.
BANG... The sound echoed in the never ending darkness then a flash so small you could easily missed it, something hit me on the chest. BANG... it happened again the small flash and the pain tearing through my chest as I could feel something hit. BANG... again same thing. BANG... same thing again only this time accompanied by voices sounding far away BANG... this time with the sensation of being hit in the chest again I could feel myself free falling.
"Dont quit on us now," grunted Mr McDougall "come on I know you are not finished being a pain in my ass yet"
"Like hell I am" I tried to reply but it came out as a weak whisper
"Son of a gun" he sighed with a smile on his face.
"Something is wrong!" I stated trying to sit up but my body didn't move, I tried again, nothing. Dread started to raise from the pit of my stomach "Is he ok?" I asked trying to keep myself calm
"Yeah... about that... you both seemed to be affected by something you both are having difficulties moving don't yous?" he asked
"What you talking about?" I asked in a weak whisper, feeling like someone was sitting on my chest as a grunt from my left caught my attention.
"What about your breathing?" he asked with what I could only describe as fear written in his eyes
"What's going on?" I asked, starting to panic
"Its ok I know what to do..." he trailed off
"What are you not telling me?" I whispered as breathing became harder for me
"What needs to be done you will not like!" he stated "but it has to be done!" he stood up and went out of my line of sight.
"Tell me!" I tried to shout but coughed instead
No reply followed, not even a sound, time passed and soon I felt like giving up. The pain just kept getting worse it was getting impossible to breath. Just as I started to feel too weak to keep my eyes open, I could hear footsteps approaching.
"Well, well, well..." smirked a pale man leaning over me with such delight in his eyes "what do we have here?"
"Who in hell are you?" I tried to say but only a rasp of my breathe came out
"Save your breath, you are going to need it" he laughed.
Oh great, by the sound of that laugh he sounds like a bloody Vamp what did Mr McDougall do? Fear bringing a new lease of life to me a managed to keep my eyes open. The untrustful creature eyed me up like a cheetah eyes up their meal. The fight for my life was on, if I was going to die it sure as hell was not going to be by the hands of that creature. I hate a lot of beings but they are the worst of them, shapeshifters and werewolves are hands down the worst and some witches can be added to that list but at least we try to blend in and we have a law we must abide by but them... they don't care for anything or anyone which makes them very dangerous at the best of times.
"Told you that you wouldn't like it" sighed Mr McDougall as he came in to my line of sight. "I will do what it takes to protect my students even if they are possessed by another!"
"How touching!" chimed the Vamp
"This is Profesor Blige" Mr McDougall hushed the Vamp 
"Profesor my ass" I thought to myself
"Feisty one aren't you?" smiled Blige as he loomed over me "I think I am going to enjoy this one's company more than usual" he smiled to Mr McDougall
"You do anything other than what you are here to do I will do you know what," hissed Mr McDougall "and I mean anything!"
"As you wish!" hissed Blige, for a brief second I thought I seen fear in his eyes but with a blink it was gone, besides Vamps don't fear anything, not even Hunters. He kneeled down beside me staring right into my eyes, placing a hand at either side of my head, his cold hands touch making me want to shiver yet my body still refused to move even with the ice cold touch.
"STOP!" screamed a familiar voice "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER"
"What are you doing here? How did you find us?" asked the Vamp with surprise set in his eyes
"This can't be happening!" cried out Mr McDougall "Shovka is in the area and now we have all this Magic in one place he is going to find us!"
"Just shut up and stop what you are doing!" She snapped as she came in to my light of sight "and you keep your filthy rotten hands off of her She is mine!"
"Aingealag?" I whispered just as she walks away from me

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