Chapter 10

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Numbness, like never before set in. It was like someone had frozen time at the moment her neck snapped nothing else seemed real, this didn't seem real. Something heavy pushing down on my chest, my body unable to move, I couldn't even look away from her eyes. Fear that's all I could see in her eyes there was no love or adoration or anything that resembled her. The fear that had become frozen on her face was so unlike her she was fearless but obedient to the cause. She was the one that kept me strong she was the one that looked out for me. A silent sob escaped from me, that was when I realised that I was holding my breath. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I started gasping for air. My whole body shock with every sob that got past my lips.
He just stood there watching as he covered her body up with a blanket and put some sunglasses and a hat on her. He managed to mover her head to make it look like she was taking a nap. I still have no idea where the bright pink wheelchair came from. He seemed hurt, not sure why. He never said a word after we left the pub, he just seemed to fallow me while pushing her in the wheelchair. This is one thing we never got prepared for in training. Training! That snapped me out of the numbness that seemed to be trying to settle down over me.
"Who are you?" I asked
"Please, like you don't know!" he snapped back at me his eyes narrowed as he stared into my eyes.
"I wouldn't ask if I did!" I snapped back
"Don't act all innocent with me, your whole family is the same!" he shouted at me getting closer looking like he wanted to hit me, he turned at the last minute and punched the concrete wall leaving a big dent on it.
"What are you talking about?" I screamed at him, letting my anger out.
"Look me in the eye and tell me you don't know who I am!" he demanded
"I know what you are! I just don't know who you are!" I shouted back in his face.
"How can you know what I am but not who I am?" he snapped back whilst pacing at the bottom of the stairs.
"I know what you are because I seen in at the bar. I don't know who you are because I have never met you OK!" I growled at him as a wave of exhaustion hit me
He hit the wall again causing further damage. He flinched slightly at the impact. That was when I noticed the smell, the gut wrenching smell that clung thickly in the air, it was familiar yet foreign to me. A buzzing sound started to get louder and louder until I couldn't hear anything else. I must have been the only one hearing it because while he paced I fell to the ground screaming for the sound to stop, for some reason it caused me to feel pain and I felt fear like I have never known before. Well I have known this once before but I don't remember what happened, which scared me more
He was bent over me with a look on his face, the look that told me he thought I was crazy. He was talking but I couldn't hear him the buzzing was too loud it was like trying to hear some one from across a crowded room full of bees that buzzed all the time. Something wet and slightly sticky was coming out my ears I moved my hands to see that it was blood thick dark blood. The look of concern but mostly fear spread across his face. Just when I thought that the buzzing couldn't get louder it did. Memories came flooding back too me and fear soon became the wrong word to describe how I felt, terrified didn't feel strong enough either. It was like facing all your fears at once times fifty. As the buzzing got closer and louder I grabbed his hands closed my eyes and whispered "ATHEGROMNATH"
I opened my eyes and he was gone I sagged to the floor unable to move the buzzing faded and the sound of heavy footsteps soon replaced it. I opened my eyes feeling too weak, but one glimpse of them gave me a jolt of energy but it wasn't enough to get up so I did the only thing I could think of. I cat the most powerful spell I could think of with the knowledge that it could well be my very last spell so I closed my eyes and whispered "CARTAL THIKOTHA SHRITH OFUSHTRA BROUTHIA" energy surged my body giving me enough to start crawling towards the front door of the building I could hear thuds and groans of those effected by the spell.
I clawed my way up and clung to the wall trying to open the front door. The door opened and I couldn't stop myself screaming and I faced him. I tumbled backwards trying to get away but my energy was plummeting rapidly I couldn't help but scream each time he came closer. I tried to crawl away I tried to open doors and climb the stairs my hands soon became covered in scratches and marks and caked with blood and dirt. I was half way up the first flight of stairs when I started to black out but I fought against it.
"Please no, not now" I tried to plead
"This should be fun" he taunted me
"Please" I started to be, my eyes stinging with tears streaming down my face and a runny nose
"It's not often that we get the delight of a returnee" he replied with a vicious smile
A whip flashed above me as his crackling laughter filled the air. I couldn't stop the gut wrenching painful howl from escaping my lips as the whip curled around my legs, sizzling as it burns through my trousers and attaches itself to my skin. It doesn't matter how hard I tried not to scream I couldn't stop. The pain seared through my body like lava hot spikes running through my veins. I tried to cling to the banister as he pulled on the whip dragging me down the stairs. I was fighting a losing battle, I knew what was coming next and I knew I can't stop what is to come but I was still going to try.
A piercing scream drowned mine, causing me to let go of the banister and cover my ears I bumped down the last half dozen stairs painfully. I could feel the floor vibrate as something hard and heavy fell behind me, I flinched as something cold and thick touched my arm. Something hot grabbed me, slightly sliding me along the floor and lifting me up. I tried but failed to kick and hit the him I felt so weak I knew this is how it ends for me. Fighting for my life keeping the secrets and having everything taken from me. I knew this time I wouldn't be able to escape. They would have moved and made there security stronger. I knew that this time Shovka wouldn't chance it that he himself would kill me and I knew he would have no mercy.
I was shocked to hear someone else whisper in my ear I was too weak to pay attention to what he said but I started to relax slightly. I am not sure how much time passed but wen I managed to open my eyes I shot up and instantly regretted moving at all. My head was hazy and pounding the light was small, dim and flickering. I looked around I was on the floor between two doors there was no windows in sight that I could see. I leaned against what felt like a wall but it was to dark to tell. I could hear faint whispering and small glowing dots that looked like fireflies off in the distance but were purple-ish.
Slowly and rather sluggishly I managed to get myself up onto my feet, slightly unsteady I walked towards the whispering as quietly as possible. I turned and stood in the doorway of a room that had what looked like hundreds if not thousands of lit candles, the window was blacked out and blocked. In the middle of the room there was someone crossed legged swaying slightly, whispering in some unrecognisable language that was almost inaudible.
I didn't move nor make a sound but almost as if he sensed me he stopped and looked over his shoulder slightly. His eyes seemed to glow and his hair seemed to have gotten longer and his lips were a deep red, like he was wearing a dark deep red lipstick. He also looked so pale that it was unbelievable, almost as if he was dead. Within a blink of an eye his skin was slightly tanned his eyes were a light golden brown and his lips turned from the deep dark red to a light pink. I blinked several times, I must be hallucinating, I thought to myself
"You're up" he said, standing up. I didn't reply "you have some explaining to do"
"You still haven't answered me and I think I may have been wrong about what you are" I replied, almost a whisper as my throat felt hoarse.
"How so?" he asked looking at me suspiciously
"I thought you were a half breed" I replied looking at the floor, instantly regretting saying those words
"How do you know that I am not a 'half breed'?" he spat the last words out with rage flaring in his eyes
"No half breed is powerful enough to help a witches hunter trapped in another witches body escape Shovka" I replied with tears stinging my eyes as images of Shovka flashed in my mind. I didn't realise I was shaking until I tried to walk and nearly fell in to a small table filled with candles.
"Careful" he stated as he caught me
"S-s-s-sorry" I stuttered trying to gain control of my body
"What's wrong with you? And who or should I say what is Shovka?" he asked trying to look in my eyes
"Nothing, anyway I am sorry for thinking that you were a half breed, but I should go." I replied finally in control of my body "wait! Where is Aingealag?"
"Who?" he asked
"Aingealag! The other person that was with me and..." I trailed off
"Oh her, we left her in the pub yesterday" he replied looking confused
"WHAT?" I snapped "I have to go"
"You can't" he replied
"I have to! She is in danger!" I replied looking for the way out
"That 'Shavka' or what ever his name is, is still out there" he stated
"If 'Shovka' is still out there then he would have beaten the door down and took me by now!" I replied angrily trying to hide my fear
"He hasn't done so yet because he can't sense you he is searching every house in this building but he wont come up here" he replied with confidence
"He senses magic!" I almost cried with fear "he feeds off of magic among other things but mostly magic. So the fact that he knows my scent can sense my magic as well as Rikki's and I assume you touched him and that you, yourself practice some form of magic? If so then he has your scent too so if that is the case us being near each other will only help him find us faster and you may have just bumped yourself to the top of his list and that is not a place you wanna be so I AM going to leave and you can't stop me!"
"What do you mean Rikki?" he asked with a quick glimpse of panic on his face
"Wait you think I am Rikki?" I asked finally realising everything for the first time since I came to Fife
"I know you are Rikki" he replied
"HA! This is Rikki's body I have her memories and control everything but her soul and essence is somewhere else along with my body" I replied "and before you ask I don't know they seemed to have gone walkabout and don't worry once I get my body back you can have hers back!"
"Wait! What? Rewind and start back at the beginning"
"Long story short! I am The Witches witch hunter. I am one of many trained to hunt the likes of Rikki and kill them but I thought I would make my job easier and take over her body to see if she knows anyone else like her and where they are. It takes time to search through her memories so I took hold of her and started my search but the bloody Vamps just had to butt in same with those wrenched Dogs. Then my sister kills herself and for some strange reason I have the strongest urge to find and protect Aingealag because of the dam emotions that this body seems to have even though they shouldn't be here" I stated feeling panicked and light headed
"So you are going to kill Rikki?" he asked standing so still he was like a statue
"That's the plan" I replied "Its not like she has any family or anything they are all..."
BOOM there was an explosion causing me to fly backwards in to a door which splintered as i fell through it. Everything was so dark, too dark to see. The last thing I heard was loud and unbearable screeching before passing out.

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