Chapter 5

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I stood there, lost, no thoughts, my mind completely blank. I just stood there staring at my reflection in the window. It must have been late as it was pitch black outside. Movement outside caught my attention but when I looked nothing was there. Just my reflection.. I don't know how much time passed, but Aingealag was fast asleep on the red sofa while the woman was in the kitchen. I could hear the rustling of bags and movements of what I think were pots and pans. I didn't like the look of her and the fact she can easily lie to some stranger and claim me as her daughter. Well, maybe she needs to visit the doctor for pills or something or be locked up. There is no way she is my mother.
I don't know how but I found myself at the kitchen door watching her every move. Her constantly looking in cupboards and drawers while whispering to herself. As I took in her appearance it was clear to me that there was no way she was related to me. Absolutely no chance! Then why does it bug me so much? I mean we just met her and she has already lied and she is practically keeping us in this maze of a house. Each time I asked her where the front of the house is, she rambles on about, 'time and innocence' and each time I ask her for the time she said something about, 'not having enough' and, 'its not the right time'. After getting the same answer about a few hundred times, I gave up. Old age wasn't good to her. I felt bad for the thoughts I had about her being on medication. She is just old and looks like she hasn't had much visitors if she has had any.
I stood leaning on the door frame taking in her appearance again. Her hair was short and messy with a mix of gray shades and white throughout it. She was short compared to me. She was about 5 foot, her clothes seemed to be old and worn with loose threads sticking out at random places with a slight pattern on the skirt and top they almost look like a floral design with something else with in it. Her skin was a deep tan like a native American's skin, and her eyes seemed to always change to the shade of blue. One minute they seemed light then dark then bright then a murky blue then it looked so dark you would think it was black with a shimmer of blue. Her face had few wrinkles and something that looked like a scar but I couldn't be sure if it was or just a weird deep wrinkle. She wore clip on dangly earrings and what looked like a ruby gem necklace. She had on a mix of bracelets on both wrists and so many rings that you would have to take them off to count.
She stopped in the middle of the kitchen with her back to me she looked left and right, left and right over and over again. I was about to ask what she was doing when she ran forward and went in to what looked like another room. A few moments later she reappeared with a funny looking pot and a bag full of things. She stopped in mid step when she noticed me and started to smile and left just as quick. She stood there looking at me with a weird look on her face, like she was having a million thoughts at once.
"You're right", she smile at me. "You were always right."
"Right about what"? I asked curiously.
"About everything my dear. How I wouldn't be able to cope, but you did and I am proud of you honey-pie. I am sorry about the wind but after that night..." she paused with sorrow in her eyes and a tear trickled down her face. Catching in some of the wrinkles on the way down. "I had to make sure everything went to plan. I knew they would look for you once you settled you see, you trained me well. They came looking for me too and it all backfired. You warned me it would, but I couldn't take the chance. I didn't want to let my hero down. What kind of person would that make me..." a confused look crossed her face and vanished a moment later when she noticed me staring at her ." Well dear, come in. Would you like a cup of tea? I have cake?"
"Sorry, ma'am, But we have to go. We have to meet someone important so if you can be so kind as to..." I asked before being interrupted by her.
"No, no, no. I can't. I have to follow the order. The orders are set for a reason and I must obey them without any exceptions", she rambled.
"Who's orders ma'am?" I asked, trying to stay calm. I knew something wasn't right but didn't know what.
"I cant say yet, its not time". She replied with a blank expression like she was saying something she has said a few too many times.
"When will it be time?" I asked, trying to find a way out of here.
"When you remember". She faintly smiled for a brief second. "Or when you ask the right questions". She laughed faintly and continued doing whatever she was going to do before. She saw me and acted like the conversation never happened and never laid eyes on me.
I didn't know what to say after that. I had so many questions to ask but I didn't want to get my hopes up. There is a very high chance I wont get a straight answer from her. It didn't look like anything was going to happen tonight, so I sat on the floor in front of the sofa where Aingealag was smiling in her sleep. It's been a while since I saw her smile like that. I settled down, making sure I was aware of my surroundings. Time wore on and eventually I reluctantly fell asleep

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