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Jack pov

I woke the next morning, to my surprise, I saw a very cute, sleeping Heroinebrine, her hair just covered her eyes, but she looked so adorable, her complexion made her look the most human then the other girls, yet she can enter my dreams with a click of her fingers.

I got up and suddenly remembered what happened last night and I couldn't help but smile, I headed down stairs to see that only Emma, Blazette, Silk, Charlotte and Skelly were in the kitchen, eating of making breakfast. They sat at the table and had their backs to me, well, it would be fun, I went up and grabbed Blazette by the shoulders and pulled back, the chair fell back and Blazette landed in my arms, I kissed her and when we broke up the kiss, I saw that she was blushing.

"that is why you don't have your back to me, especially when I feel abit naughty" I said in a silent, yet seductive tone, "oh please, your so full of yourself" said Silk, "well, Blazette didn't mind it, did you ?", she just looked away with a smile, "I hate you so much" she said in a joking tone.

ha, you don't want to admit that you wanted that, if the girls were not here, you'd wrecked me, "I did that because you won't get at me with the girls watching, because you don't want to share if you don't have to" I stated, I went to the chest and got a piece of bread and an apple when Andr teleported into the kitchen and took the bread the second I was going to bite in to it. "damn it" I said, then hung my head in defeat as Andr ate the bread, I just ate the apple and drank some coffee, "girls, I'm gonna go to do some reconnaissance of the area to fine the objective, I will finish the task, one way or the other" I said and went to my room to grab my suit and gear, I turned to see Heroinebrine stare at me, "so this is what your like when going out on a mission ?, you should be more motivated in the bed" she says and hugs me, "you weren't complaining about it last night, were you milady ?" I teased, then kissed her, "be careful, there are mobs down there, promise to be safe, or I won't forgive you" she said.

I look in to her eyes and say "don't worry about me, I have promised to always return and I always keep my promises, especially to cute girls like you and the others" she blushes and kisses me, after about half an hour, I leave the house and head to the caves.

Third person pov

Heroinebrine came down the stairs and says to Andr and Skelly, "you were right about him, he honest, sweet and a gentleman, plus he is a god in the bedroom", "yeah, but now he goes to do what has to be done, and he doesn't care if he'll live or die, but he will cone back to us, he always does" said Skelly, "yeah, he does" Heroinebrine repeated.

After about half an hour of searching, Jack found an abandoned mine, he found a few chests, he took to iron and gold, even a few diamonds and he continued, he saw a Zombie walking to him, it growls, so he took his knife out and stabbed the zombie in the head, killing it, after a while, he was about to turn a round, when he saw a stone brick, he ran around the corner and saw the entrance to the stronghold, "I've found you" he whispered to himself and the headed back, avoiding the patrolling mob groups that wondered the halls and caves.

Jack pov

I walked into the door and found the girls in the living room, I walked in and stabbed the point of my knife in to the table, "I found it, it has to be, under the ground, next to a mine, I know where to go" I shouted, full of joy, "that is good news, but how will you get the bomb in there without being overrun ?" Said Zoey, "ill find a way" I replied and headed to my room, and wrote a letter, now that I have found the target, I need to leave a message for the girls, and I wrote it as if I wouldn't be coming back but left some optimistic sentences, in case I do come back.

I place the letter in a safe pocket in my uniform, until its needed, the second I started to remove my uniform, the door opened and Cupa came in, "listen Jack, if you go to the stronghold, then we are coming with you, we all want to" she said, "I know you all do, I knew that this would happen but I can't let you go, if even one of you get hurt, I wouldn't forgive myself for letting you go" I said, "I don't plan on moving out to fight just yet" I said, it reassured her, but I was lying, but I'm good at that.

when all the girls came and hugged me, "if I die, I would want you to live, I hate the thought of you all dying and I live on, I cant do that" I said, starting to cry, "if you die, we want to die with you" said Andr.

we all went to the kitchen and ate some chicken and mushroom soup, then I kissed all the girls and headed to bed, I just laid there, Cupa, Skelly and Andr came up to me, room for more, they whispered, I nod and say "Maybe some company may help me sleep" I said and they all curled up to me, their bodies kept me warm, "night" said Skelly, "nighty nighty" said Cupa, "Good night" says Andr, I turn and say something else, "good... Bye" I said, but they barely heard me as they fell asleep.

I get up and put my gear on, head to the bed and kiss all three of the girls on the forehead,I then continued to go around the rooms and kiss all the girls, I silently say "goodbye" after kissing them, on their foreheads.

I couldn't find Heroinebrine so I just headed to the basement and put on my Armour, and placed the bomb in to a compartment in the armour, specifically for the bombs, loaded the mini gun and carried my pistol, knife and assault rifle with plenty of ammunition and grenades.

I walked to the door, place the letter on the counter, and saw Heroinebrine on the sofa, asleep.

I kiss her, she shuffles a bit, "good night, Jack" she says sleepily, "good night, Heroinebrine... and goodbye" I whispered, especially the last part and put my helmet on and head to the door, out side, I started to cry, but the girls won't wake up for about 7-8 hours.

I headed to the village and said hi to Florence, "hey Florence, can you give Alice this letter please ?" I asked, "yeah" she said, I hug her then head off, "where ate you going ?" I heard a familiar voice say.

 I turned to Alice, Jasmine and Anna, and said "I wanted to thank you for everything, I must go to finish a mission that was never completed, and I may never return but do not worry about me, I was supposed to have died that night but I... I love you..." I said and turned and ran in the direction of the caves.

I heard Alice shout, "wait... Please don't do this, don't leave... Please" she was crying but I don't look back, I never wanted to do this bit I couldn't look because I would want to stay here, behind my helmet, I was crying, I have just said goodbye to the ones I loved, the journey was uneventful but was faster then any other day., I stop and look at the stars, "this is for you all" I said, to both the girls and my fallen brothers, then walked in to the caves, not even. Bothering to look back.

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