Why me ?

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Jack POV 

I'm awake all night, but for some reason, I'm not tired as I replay the last few hours in my head, over and over whilst behind me, is Andr sister, Shadow, Andr is in my room.

###### THINKING BACK A FEW HOURS ###########

Me and Andr go to get her sister, we bring her back, I get her some food and then Andr ordering me to have Sex with her sister and left the room, I have no other choice, I gave her a potion and made love to her, Damn, wish I had made a rule to forbid that, it took the piss, her sister, Shadow on the other hand, was also shocked but she enjoyed it, but it was the most awkward moment ever, but I can't say I didn't enjoy it, she is quite beautiful with her dark hair and purple eyes, it also amazes me that she could attract her wings back into her body.

Andr came in, she saw me, wide awake and her sister, asleep, with an innocent smile, I should be angry at Andr but I can't, so I'll just let it slide, "don't tell Blazette, she'll bully everyone to let her be involved" I say, jokingly. "I did it as my sister was been through more then me, I thought since no rule was made, I could do it as I had control over you, I wouldn't have done it for anyone else" she said, in a quite tone.

"It's alright, she enjoyed it, I understand about caring... For loved ones and family, I don't need a sorry before you make one" I said as I headed to my room she hugged me and I went to sleep, with Andr laying next to me, after a few hours, I'm up again. I head down the stairs to the kitchen, make a hot coffee and head to the front of the house, suddenly think of the basement and I head down there to check the size, I saw it was big enough for an idea that popped in to my head, it would make life easier and would make use of the old scraps, because one day, I will fight those mobs again, and that day will come, sooner or later.

A bang from upstairs brought me back from my deep thoughts, I head up and see Misty, the zombie pig girl from the nether, standing in the living room, next to some of the books, she barely notice me walk in to the room, "morning" I said, she nearly fell out of the chair, "m-m-morning" she stuttered, I sat down and saw she was reading a book about fighting with swords and sword crafting book, "I know that your kind used golden swords" she looks up and says, "yeah, but I lost my sword when getting captured" she said, "don't worry, I'll get you a new golden sword and if possible, get it enchanted" I said, with no idea of how to get one, maybe another trip to the village is in order.

She hugged me and said "thanks, Jack. I knew I could rely on you to try" she said as she went out the room, I now need to find a golden sword and I've got a feeling that it won't be the easiest thing to find, as gold is fragile but good to enchant, it is also rare to come by whilst mining, I had an hour before the most of the girls get up.

I used this time wisely, I grabbed my backpack and decided to fill it with some heavy items, grabbed my rifle and ran around the house, after about 14 laps, someone was running with me, it was Skelly, "wow, I know soldiers have to be fit but you've had less sleep then anyone else, I saw you doing laps and wanted to run" she said, whilst running with me, "well, let's see how you last, we are heading up that hill, you can come or watch from here" I said, "what ?, no way can you do that" she shouted.

I ran to the hill, "just watch me" as I ran to the hill, it was about 250 blocks away, over 150 blocks high, I look back to see Skelly, stand there, watching.

I was at the top in about 4 minutes,  turn around and ran back, I saw that MOST of the girls were outside and watching me, and because of this, it made me run faster, I was back in about 3 minutes, "hey, everyone, how's your morning ?" I ask, with a small sweat, I learnt a while ago about how to control your breathing after long distance runs.

"Aren't you tired ?" Asked firelight, the middle aged magma cube asked, "no, not at all", Okay, that a lie, I am abit knackered from that run, but I'm not hanging out my ass, and I have enough control to hide it. 

I head inside and grab a quick shower, ate some toast, and headed to pick the next girl,but the girls were surprised about the new girl, Shadow, had come to stay, and even more shocked to find out that she had sex with me, I had to explain that Andr had command over me as she got picked yesterday, I then stated that I didn't make a rule about that, then made a rule about that I case anyone else got a bright idea.

I stuck my hand in to the helmet and picked up a name, I was calm, until I saw the paper, IF THERE IS A GOD, PLEASE HELP ME, IM GONNA DIE, "the winner is ....B-Blazette" I shout, trying to be calm, as the girls smile and congratulate Blazette, she shot me a smile, which said, we are gonna have sooo much FUN,  all I could think was, AHHHHH, WHY ME ??? As I nearly cried inside.

I carry her up the stairs and take her to my room, the second I close the door, she was at me, pinning me against the door, "now, your 'mistress' wants some entertainment" 

Ahhhhh, my mind screamed, tonights gonna be a nightmare, as Blazette RIPPED off my vest and boxers.

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