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Jack's POV

The pod was released from the ship and we fell from space, roughly from the edge of the atmosphere but the view of Minecraftia was amazing, I looked to the side and saw the M.S.C Red Spirit, or what was left of it fall to the planet's surface.

Then, out of nowhere, a beam of pure energy shot past my pod, it was pure white, it went straight to my ship, M.S.C Summer's Night and exploded, on the radio the commander of the ship said"MESSAGE TO ALL TROOPS, ENEMY HAVE POWERFUL ENERGY WEAPONS, WE HAVE BEEN HIT AND WE ARE NOT FULLY CAPABLE OF PROVIDING ORBITAL ARTILLERY STRIKES TO COVER LANDINGS".

"Why Notch, bloody landing is going to be fucking fun" one of the lads said.

"Quit complaining, you are a soldier and you have been trained to do this without complaint. I shout, to who ever said that.

I looked around my pod, my SC 18 assault rifle was leaning on my side, in its rack then I asked "what's our e.t.a till we get top side" after a brief pause,"80 seconds".

On other energy shot pasted me, probably trying to hit Summer's Night or the remaining 6 ships, our mistake could be our numbers but only so many left this planet a hundred years ago, BOOM!!!  the closes pod to mine explodes as another energy shot passes, this knocks me off course and I may end up miles from the rendavo point.

"Sir, are you alright ?" Shouted George, "Yes sergeant,I'll have to meet you down there". 

I had dabout 40 seconds till "touch down", so I checked my kit over, helmet, body armour, 12 magazines of 7.62 mm and 3 grenades, plus P28 with 3 spare magazines with 10 rounds of 10 mm.        My back pack is apart of my armour, it's flat but in a squarish shape that covers my back, in it is a day's worth of rations, some spare rounds, a combat first aid kit with an antidote for spider bites and a spare clothing,what I meant by that is it is just a spare suit that goes under our armour, it's black and long sleeved but our spare is short sleeved, spare boxers and wash/ cleaning kit.

Thump! I'm on the ground, I grab my rifle and press the door release, the door flys off and land a couple of square feet from me. I look up to see a few pods break through the atmosphere and somemore hit the ground with distinctive thumps, I was also right about being knocked off course by what seems like 5 miles.

"Message to Delta squad, continue to get to rendavo point and carry out assault, I catch up as soon as possible, repeat,I will catch up ASAP, over" I said over the squads battle radio and was relieved to get a response, "Yes sir, we lost a couple of lads whilst we were dropping in, see you at the objective sir, over and out".

Then I heard a sound from behind me to see a figure, I've studied the different mobs we would be face back on the ship and saw pictures, it was a zombie and a spider coming at me, at this point I raised my weapon and fire at the spider, I shot it in the top part of its back twice,it then slumped to the floor and layed still and then I pointed the weapon at the zombie's head then fire a single shot through its brain, killing it quickly.

I then turned in to the direction of the main force and ran,  after 5 minutes, I was passing empty pods with dead mobs scattered around them as well as a few fallen comrades, the flashes from the fighting and explosions were like lightning and added a certain atmosphere to the sight of the dead and dying.

I heard a scream to my left and saw a skeleton with a bow facing a badly injured girl, wearing a green creeper hoodie, long green socks/leggings and bright golden brown hair, she had a small gash on her leg where a bit of blood came out.

The skeleton pulled back the string of it bow and the arrow became blue, like the energyshots that were fired at our ships, I didn't have long to react so I switched My weapon from repetition (single shot) to automatic, aimed at the head fired.

The skeleton fell to the ground and I ran up to the girl, she was shocked by what had happened and was about to cry before I said, "you ok ? Here let me look at you leg".

At first, she seemed abit worried so I said "I won't hurt you"  she then smiled, she was pretty then I got my Combat First Aid kit out and then gave her a bit of painkiller, something to cleanse the wound and something to help it heal. I then finished by putting a bandage around it.

What struck me as weird was that I only knew her for a few minutes yet she had grown on me, "what's your name ma'am?" I asked, the girl looked at me and said in a calm voice "i-it's Cupa"


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