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louis liked jake, jake liked amanda, amanda liked louis

louis was sitting at a table with his mom, in a small, warm café that the two have always loved. they always came here to talk over a cup of coffee or to simply sit and have a cup of tea without speaking, feeling content with just being around one another. it's always been this way for the two of them, his mom made it clear that could talk to her about anything, anytime and if he didn't want to talk, they just sat together. it was nice, wonderful really and louis didn't mind that his mom was also his best friend because she was an amazing woman and there's no one who was more understanding than her.

today, it was louis that called for their coffee meeting. he was feeling down, overwhelmed with feelings that came out of nowhere and he didn't know what to do with himself. all he knew was he needed to call his mom and he needed sit in the corner of the dimly lit café they loved.

"i miss you so much, mama." louis mumbled, leaning to rest his head on her shoulder. he was filled with a warm feeling that felt like home as soon as her sent hit his senses.

"i miss you too, sweetie. it gets kind of lonely when your only company is an old cat and grumpy teen." she laughed and louis smiled, a soft apologetic smile because he knew that leaving home would leave his mom lonely. but he hoped his little brother, harry would start acting like he actually like his life and paid attention to their mom.

"are you sure everything is alright, love?" she asked, noticing his slumped shoulders and the distant look in his eyes.

"i'm fine, mom. i promise." he replied, hoping to convince her with the simple words because the last thing he wanted was for her to worry. she did enough of that with his brother never coming back home when he's meant to and refusing to answer the phone when she calls to see where he is. he was going through a rebellious stage that louis that was completely pointless but hey, to each his own, right?

"william, you tell me the truth right now." she pressed, and louis had no choice but to tell he because he knew he hadn't done a good well at hiding it and she wouldn't let him leave until she knew what was up.

"i don't know what's wrong, mom. i just feel so bad." he said, his hands fumbling with the empty sugar packet his mom had used for her coffee.

"has something happened? is everything with niall, alright?" she asked, becoming more and more worried by the second because she hadn't seen louis this down in a while. it was before niall, louis was stuck on a boy who was stuck on a girl that was stuck on a boy, louis never got that boy and that boy never got that girl and that girl never got that boy. he was gutted, he'd built up enough courage to admit how he felt and the boy turned him down, very sweetly but it was still rejection. he was hurt, really but he got back on his feet after a while and his mom had hoped he would never get back to that.

"everything with niall is fine, mama." louis said, a genuine smile on his face as he thought about the man and his mom sighed, relieved because if louis lost niall, he'd surely lose himself. he was so in love with niall, anybody could see that.

"so has something happened, talk to me." she said, persistent as always. he sighed, staring into his now empty coffee cup as he tried to form his words into sentences. a sentence that would make sense when spoken because all of his thoughts were a jumbled mess, even he was confused.

"it's just," he paused, sucking in a breath, "i'm scared. i'm so scared, mom." he finished, his eyes filled with tears, just about to spill over.

"of what, louis? what are you so afraid of?" she asked, now she was scared. an immense amount of fear taking over her body as she took in her sons actions and words.

"i'm scared that he won't want me. that he won't want us, he won't want it. i didn't mean for it to happen, mom, i swear." he said, now fully crying as he hiccupped into his hands.

"hey, breathe. just breathe for me." she murmured, wrapping one arm around his shoulders as she used her other to find louis' phone and dial niall's number.

she soothed louis to the best of her ability, all while she explained to niall what was happening. he'd rushed out of his words, telling her he'd be there as soon as he could and ended the call before she could reply.

"hey, calm down. let's go wait in the car, okay?" she asked softly, standing up and guiding louis out of the small, dimly lit café they always loved.

once outside, louis crawled into his moms backseat and grabbed the sweater she kept there, hugging it to his body in a desperate search for comfort. louis thought this was all the comfort that he needed, that the faint smell of his mother's perfume clinging to the sweater and the corner of her profile in his sight was all he needed but he was wrong. he was so wrong it scared him because the second he heard niall's voice, he felt almost empty. it was like louis was content until he realized what he was missing.

"hi baby." niall said, climbing into the backseat with him. once he was in, louis' mom shut the door to give them their privacy.

"hi daddy." louis whispered weakly, feeling drained.

"what's wrong, princess?" niall asked, squeezing his body between louis' and the back of the seat.

"i'm sorry, daddy." louis said, it was all he said for the next ten minutes. he mumbled it over and over, words growing quieter each time he said it. niall could tell louis had worked himself into exhaustion, so he stopped his questioning and held louis as he whispered how sorry he was.

"i'm so sorry." louis whispered for the last time, wishing he could turn back time. when his mom sang him to sleep, but now's stressed out.

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was listening to top the entire time i was writing it, sorry for the lyrics i couldnt help but to put them in there lmao.

what did you think louis is sorry about?

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