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spider pig

louis didn't bother grabbing any of his things, niall probably wouldn't let him take them anyway. he just walked straight out of the house and down the driveway. he stopped at the end of the driveway and breathed in and then, only then did he let the tears out. they fell and fell and fell and he could hardly breath, he didn't know where to go or who to call. he thought to call his mom but all louis could think about is how much stress and worry he would burden her with, so he chose not to.

after going through what little bit of contacts he had three different times, he finally caught sight of a contact that might actually be helpful. he had second thoughts about calling him because he was niall's friend and he'd probably side with niall but louis also knew liam was shamelessly selfless and didn't chose to hide behind a cold stare. so he called him anyway and when he finally answered all he heard was louis crying and for a second he almost cried too because he thought something might have happened to niall, his best friend of fifteen years that he really couldn't stand to lose but louis finally calmed down enough to tell him what happened.

liam was angry, he couldn't believe niall would do something like that and to louis of all people. he knew niall didn't want kids, like ever but he wouldn't have expected niall to have treat louis, or anyone so poorly.

"hey, i'm only right around the corner. i'll be there soon, alright." liam said, his voice was soft and he hoped louis would calm down because if he worked himself up too much, he could potentially pass out and that wasn't good for him or the baby, especially if he's alone.

louis didn't respond right away and liam was beginning to panic but louis' soft voice whispered out a shaky okay and he sighed in relief. he continued his drive which was short seeing as he and niall lived in the same neighborhood but each time he passed a street he'd tell louis how many more he had to go and he'd make him say okay each time, just to know he was still okay.

"one more to go, alright louis?" liam asked and louis almost nodded his head but then he remembered his was on the phone and liam couldn't actually see him.

"okay, liam." he responded, hiccupping shorty after.

louis was only waiting for a minute or two after that. then a car pulled up beside him and he knew it was liam, well he hoped it was liam. thankfully it was, it was confirmed when liam stepped out of the car and walked around the hood towards louis.

"hey," louis said, awkwardly and cleared his throat as he heard the rasp in his voice.

"hey." liam greeted and mindlessly shrugged his jacket off to hand it louis. louis thanked him quietly before he followed him to the car. he slid the jacket on, allowing the warmth to soothe his shivering body as he did so.

"uh, my boyfriends back at my place. hope ya don't mind, we were kind of in the middle of a movie marathon when you called." liam said and louis instantly felt bad. for fucks sake, he's managed to earn niall's hatred and ruin liam's date all in one night.

"oh my gosh, i'm so sorry! you didn't have to come!" louis said, feeling the need to apologize at least ten more times, which he did.

"it's fine louis, we both understand. i wasn't going to leave you standing here, he would kill me if i tried to do that anyways." liam said, throwing in a joke to lighten the mood.

"well, thank you." louis whispered genuinely and liam smiled, insisting it wasn't a problem.

they got in the car after that, and drove to liam's house. louis counted down the blocks and made liam say okay each time, just as liam did on his way there and he laughed a little as louis skipped a number. but that was all really, just a little laugh, a light chuckle, because louis' heart was still heavy and he still felt sick to his stomach and that was really on he could manage.

when they got to liam's house, liam opened his door and lead louis up the large steps and through the front door. it was warm and louis silently thanked him for that because he'd been freezing his ass of while waiting. they walked down the hallway and into the den, where a man with dark hair was sitting, staring at the tv mounted on the wall. he was so stuck on the movie, he didn't even notice they were there.

"i'm back, babe." liam said, leaning down and kissing the side of his head to get his attention.

"hi, li." he mumbled, eyes still on the tv. louis laughed at that because he looked like a five year old watching cartoons or a fifteen year old playing a video game and it was quite funny.

"oh, he's here!" the man said, finally averting his attention from the tv and wow, he was beautiful. louis had never felt insecure because of someone else's looks but wow. its like liam just bought a greek god. the man is really fucking beautiful.

"i'm zayn." he said, standing to greet louis with a warm smile.

"i'm louis, call me lou if you want." louis said and zayn smiled, telling him it was lovely to meet him to which louis said, you too.

"do ya like spiderman?" zayn asked and wow, could he get anymore perfect?

"love him." louis said and zayn smiled once again, dragging toward the couch.

"we shall watch spiderman then. liam, we need snack please babe." zayn said and he looked back at liam, giving him an innocent smile that of course got him what he wanted.

"dick." liam huffed, walking away to get a few different snacks because zayn obviously ate all that he'd set out earlier.

zayn turned around with a smile but frowned when he seen the sad look on louis' face. he went to ask what was wrong but immediately remembered why louis was there. so he went with a different approach.

"hey, i know you're upset and i'm sorry that you're hurting right now but if you need to cry, cry and i'll cry with you okay?" zayn said, draping his arm over louis' shoulders.

louis smiled, snuggling into his side and asked himself if it was crazy to love someone after ten minutes.

"you're so sweet." louis mumbled and zayn smiled, he wasn't the sweetest person ever but he was nice and he could be extra sweet when needed.

"so are you, sugar." zayn joked and louis laughed, a genuine laugh and they just spent the rest of the night like that. and louis may be smiling and he may be laughing, but he was still sad and his heart was still heavy and he was still wishing there was still a niall and louis.

* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊

i kept seeing ashton's name in the comments and im like, bruh fuck ashton.

yk, don't really have a question. predict the events of the next chapter !!

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