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kali's how to: write unnecessarily sad sh:t

when louis woke up this morning he knew he would be spending the day looking for an apartment and finding a job, doing all the things he should have did when he started college. but unfortunately, louis fell in love with a wealthy dick and failed to do all of that. but it's better late than never which is why he found himself at a local cafe, not to far from a few potential apartments.

he remembered coming into the cafe a few times but thought nothing of it. he would've never thought to look here for a job but he'd stopped by his moms this morning and his sometimes helpful little brother told him the place his girlfriend worked was hiring.

turns out, harry's girlfriend not only works there, but she practically owns it. well her mom does. either way, she'd been totally in love with louis since the day they'd met and she had no problem talking him up to her mom so he could easily score the job.

needless to say, louis left the house expecting to see a few apartments and grab a few applications but he returned with a job and plenty of potential apartments. he was hopeful that things would work out because he wasn't sure how much longer he could live with niall.


it was his first day of work and he was more nervous than he'd expected to be. the only job he ever had was working in the college bookstore which got one or two customers when he was working his shift. he got the shift when it was the least busiest and they eventually let him go because he wasn't really needed.

but the cafe seemed to be triple the people and triple the work. he felt overwhelmed but he kept pushing, not wanting to mess up on his first day. kenna, harry's girlfriend said it was completely fine if he messed up a few coffees because he's still learning the ropes but louis didn't want to mess up at all.

"lou, how about you go sit down and take a breather. you look about ready to pass out," kenna said, patting his shoulder softly and louis would be a fool not to take the offer.

he sat at a table in the corner of the place, a nice little spot for people who wanted to be alone. he was only there for a few seconds before kenna was in front of him with decaf coffee and a warm pastry. louis thanked her, smiling as she walked away.

"fancy seeing you here," a familiar voice said

"hello mr.irwin," louis mumbled, hardly acknowledging the mans presence.

"alright there," ashton asked and louis was caught off guard by the genuine concern in the mans voice.

"hardly, but I'll be fine," louis said, a soft smile on his face before he looked back down at his coffee.

"do you want to talk about it," ashton asked, as if he actually cared.

"no, im good. thanks though," louis replied, taking a bite of whatever it was kenna brought him.

"look, louis, i apologize for my approach at the dinner and my words in the email but it's hard not to want you. i get you're with niall but that doesn't make you any less desirable and it's hard to walk away from what i want, it's who i am. but, i will stand down and be the friend you obviously need right now. so please, talk to me," ashton said, catching louis off guard once again.

"later, i have to get back to work," louis said and thank god ashton wasn't afraid to take a look at his ass, otherwise louis surely would of embarrassed himself.

louis all but screeched when he was pulled back into ashton's lap. his heart pounding at the surprise, breath catching as he caught a whiff of ashton's scent which can only be described as delicious.

"you have blood on your bum," ashton said, words soft as to not embarrass louis.

"i what," louis said even though he heard the words. he was confused, he hardly got the whole pregnancy thing but he remembered his doctor saying spotting was fine but any more than that could be a problem.

"i have to go to the hospital, right now. like, right right now," louis said, voice getting scratchy as he tried to fight back his tears.

his entire body was filling with worry, he was trying to stop his thoughts from going to bad places. trying to keep a positive mind, trying not to assume the worst but he was failing miserably.

"okay, i got you. i'm going to walk behind you so no one can see. alright," he asked, keeping his hold on louis as he stood from the chair.

when they got outside, ashton led louis to a car that was way too nice for louis to get his blood on. he asked if ashton had something for him to sit on and ashton laid a sweatshirt over the front seat before he helped louis in to the car.

"can you go back in and tell kenna i'm going to the hospital, please," louis asked, a small frown on his face as he did so.

ashton nodded and turned to walk away but didn't get very far before louis was calling him back to the car, "tell i said sorry, too."

"alright baby, i got it," ashton said, a small laugh falling from his lips and it made louis genuinely smile, surprisingly.

ashton wasn't gone for long and when he was back, he was quick to get into the car and start it up. asking which hospital they should go to because he hadn't been to one since the move.

"the closest," louis said and ashton told him to look for it on the cars gps which was a bit too complicated for louis so ashton had to take over at a red light.

it took a while but they figured it out and got to the hospital in about ten minutes but louis wouldn't have been in any kind of rush if he knew he would be getting this kind of news.

"i'm sorry mr.tomlinson, it seems you've lost the baby," the doctor said and louis' heart kind of just broke.

* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊

i'm sorry, don't h8 me.

but guys im so close to 10k, love y'all. srsly thanks guysss, im vvv happy to see this story getting so much support

- kali (needs help with a new cover theme)

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