Chapter Twenty-One: Dim Sum Smackdown

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Dim Sum Smackdown

“Ok, spill it!” Marisol stuffed a pork bun into her mouth while hailing down one of the women pushing a hot cart. “Wait! What’s she pushing?”

Gwen-Stacey took a quick whiff before answering, “Steamed chicken buns.”

“Oooo, I like those!” Marisol cooed a second before Gwen-Stacey felt her friend’s sharp arm movements as she waved the woman over. She snagged a tray of the mini chicken buns from the woman, then just as quickly she felt Marisol hail another woman pushing what smelled clearly like pork and crab dumplings.

Dim Sum was an art form in Chinatown – it was a lot like negotiating an open air market only with carts of hot and cold food being pushed around a large, auditorium style restaurant. The tables set around the room were all round and easily seated twenty people – and for good reason. Dim Sum was popular among both native New Yorkers and tourists alike. At this time of the late morning, they were lucky to find two empty seats next to each other.

They were currently sharing their large family style table with a family from Wisconsin, trying the whole touristy breakfast in Chinatown they’d watched on the Food Channel just before their big trip to the city. They’re Midwestern manners were in full effect, trying politely to stop a waiter or food cart girl in order to get some food. What they didn't understand was that one did not order off menus, instead a ticket was given where the food cart ladies marked down whatever was given to your party. At the end of your meal, your total was tallied. But the serving women were quick, and you had to nab their attention or find your favorite Asian entree long gone. No one in this particular group seemed to understand this wasn’t a traditional restaurant; this was an action sport with food.

They had yet to snag a single morsel for themselves.

Normally both Gwen-Stacey and Marisol would have felt bad for tourists too clueless to understand the delicacies of Dim Sum. But since they’d initially put up a minor stink at their sitting at their table, neither she nor Marisol felt inclined to help them in the slightest. Marisol had explained in her patient manner that anyone was allowed to sit at any table so long as there were chairs available. She’d kindly told them if they didn’t like it, they could go hit the McDonald’s down the street before plopping her butt down in one of the last available seats. One of them had gone to find the hostess and was promptly told the same thing. Gwen-Stacey didn’t have to see her friend to feel the smug look she’d thrown their way.

Now they had about a dozen different dishes of food in front of them. Gwen-Stacey would sniff out their favorites and Marisol was on flag duty. It was a perfect system.

Gwen-Stacey felt Marisol’s laser-like focus settle back onto her. “I mean it, Reynolds. You better tell me who he is, right this instant! I am your best friend and it’s entirely unacceptable for you to hide the best sex of your life from your very best friend.”

She heard the sharp gasps coming from the other side of the table and knew she was turning bright red. “Marisol, you don’t have to shout stuff like that for everyone to hear,” she hissed low.

“Whatevs!” Marisol replied, even louder than before, “If you don’t start answering the question, I’m going to keep talking really, really loudly!” she shouted the last part at the top of her lungs. Gwen-Stacey could feel the eyes of dozens of people on them now.

“God, you are so ridiculous sometimes,” Gwen-Stacey whispered beyond mortified.   

“You think you’re the only person around here with a wicked spider-sense?” Marisol waved her hand in front of her face. “Not only can I tell that you got laid, but you got laid all night long and it was the best sex of your life!”

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