Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Perfect Ending

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A Perfect Ending  

“Are you sure you want to be stuck with me forever?” Gwen-Stacey whispered. Her eyes searched his, making sure he wanted this just as much as she did.

Morpheus was sitting so close to her she could see every perfect line in his face. After everything they’d been through to get to this point, just seeing him alive and in one piece made her heart feel like it would burst out of her chest in sheer joy. The fact that he was here, at this moment, on this particular glass table with the cake between them almost made her think she’d died all over again.

The dream god stared back into his beloved’s eyes, his heart brimming with an emotion so strong it robbed him of his very breath. Was this what true love always felt like? No wonder people dreamed of it, would kill for a small taste of such a wondrous feeling.

“Of course,” he said, handing her the cup of ambrosia that would bind their souls together in the eyes of both his gods and hers, “You’re my dream,” he whispered watching her lift the golden cup to her lips, the pink taffeta fabric of her dress rustling slightly. As she took the first sip, something in Morpheus’ soul relaxed and finally found peace. His heart would never die, not by the hands of gods or men.

Gwen-Stacey had decided to live out the rest of what would have been her natural years on earth, but her nights were all his. Her sight had been restored from her time in the Underworld, and though it was tricky to explain at first, most everyone attributed it to a miracle from God coupled with the miracle of modern medicine and left it at that. Whenever Gwen-Stacey was ready to part from her old life, she could do so but would always remain tied to her family and loved ones through their dreams.

When she’d finished everything in the goblet, Morpheus leaned in close exactly as she wanted him to, the golden light from the candles burning brighter until they were both enveloped in the warm glow.

He kissed his very own dream girl with everything inside of him – all of his joy, strength, stubbornness and his most secret dreams. The dream god knew having Gwen-Stacey in his life to love and kiss was something he would never get tired of. He pulled his lips off hers just enough to whisper over her mouth. “I love you, Gwen-Stacey Reynolds. Now and forever.”   

Gwen-Stacey laughed and cried at the same time.  

And Morpheus, god of dreams, nightly badass, and the luckiest immortal in all the realms lowered his head and kissed his beloved again, thinking that maybe John Hughes was the smartest human in the history of the universe.






A/N: So I was torn between featuring just the song or the ENTIRE ending scene of this movie, but if you’ve ever watched Sixteen Candles, then you know the best part of this scene is the buildup to the kiss at the end and there was NO way I was going to leave that out! Thank you all for coming on this silly, fun, romantic, and sometimes totally out-there adventure with me. I hope everyone gets to meet their very own “Jake Ryan” or “Morpheus” or even “Gwen-Stacey” some day. Everyone deserves their dream.


wendy =c] 

PS: Don't skip the epilogue, cheaters! ;c)

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