Chapter Thirty-One: Through the Sea of Dreams

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Through the Sea of Dreams

"What do you dream about?" Morpheus looked down at Gwen-Stacey as he held her close to his chest. He could feel the beating of her heart as her bare skin touched his. It was comforting yet thrilling in a way he had forgotten.

Humans were creatures of sensation. They felt everything with every fiber of their being – joy, sorrow, love, heartbreak. Gods did not have this capability. Emotions were muted, almost separate from the rational mind. However, through the spirits and flesh of mankind, such emotions were powerful enough to feel for one self. Perhaps it was one of the most persistent reasons gods like Apollo, Aphrodite, and Zeus could not help but interfere so frequently in the lives of mortals – such full on sensory was a hard habit to break.

He gave Gwen-Stacey a rueful if somewhat sad smile. "Are you looking to uncover my darkest secrets then?"

She threw her heard back and laughed, "Darkest secrets, really? Ooo, that means they must be good."   

Morpheus enjoyed the unbound nature of Gwen-Stacey's laughter even if she had no true idea what his life was really like. His was a life of obligation and emotional disconnection. It was not something he would wish upon any other being. "I'm afraid you'd be sorely disappointed," he replied with all sincerity.  

Gwen-Stacey gave him a long look before finally replying, "I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be. I mean you're the god of dreams and everything. I bet your dreams are epic," she sighed.  

"Don't forget top secret," he pointed out.

"How top secret?"

"Think Apple and Steve Jobs secret."

"Wow, that's pretty secret."

"Better than the FBI, CIA, and MI6 combined," he assured.

"Stop messing around," she teased, slapping him lightly on the chest. "Is it really a company secret? Like something only a god can share with another god?" Gwen-Stacey's voice was playful but Morpheus still heard the sincerity underlying her words.

"No, another god is the last person you want to tell your secrets to. Don't you know that by now?" he asked, attempting to be as honest as possible while trying to make light of the whole subject.

They were quickly entering a realm Morpheus desperately wished not to explore – at least not at this exact moment. He just wanted to enjoy her company for as long as he was able, without interference from his father, other gods, or the demands of her own life. It was a known fact humans were curious by nature, they even had sayings about it, but Morpheus had witnessed countless occasions where human curiosity led only to self-destruction. It was prevalent even in their dreams – mortals were unable to simply let things go and such a fault in their design was often their undoing.  

Gwen-Stacey moved her hair a little out of the way and placed a small kiss on his chest. His feathers rustled against her naked back in response. He could feel the smile on her face as she kissed him once more in the same spot.

"Like that, do you?"

"I'm not entirely sure. Why don't you do it again so I can let you know definitively?"

She laughed again, this time lower and throaty. The dream god still found it sexy as hell. "Nice try. Are you going to answer the question or not?" she asked.

Morpheus closed his eyes. Could he truly share such a thing with the woman who'd captivated him from the moment he walked in on her dream? What would she think of him if she knew he could not dream? That everything he created for millions of souls was part of a job he had not chosen, an existence he had simply been given, and if given the chance one he would walk away from in a heartbeat?

God of My Dreams (Greek Heroes #1) ✅ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now