I'm Yours

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This is it. Today is the day. The day that I finally grow up.

Sitting in the car, watching all the familiar scenery fly by me, I wonder what university life will be like. Will I make friends? Will I get homesick? Will I fail?

Oh. I suppose I'd better introduce myself.

The name's Emie. I'm pretty much what you would call a nerd. Yes yes, I know what you're thinking. I sit in dark corners, huddled under a sheet, screaming at a television screen when online players screw me over. Well you would be wrong. Not about the screaming at the television screen part, that's kinda true. But about everything else. I hate the dark, I feel claustrophobic when I sit under sheets and I do NOT play online games. They're too competitive. And I pretty much suck at all online games.

Also, I love love LOVE to act. Not saying I'm any good, but hey. I'm going off to university to do a degree in it. It's a passion. It's something I feel good about.

The other thing you should know about me is that I have an extremely low self esteem. Let's just say a lot of bullying in school and extremely bad relationships.

And talking of relationships, the last thing you should know is that I have recently just broken up with my boyfriend of a year and a half. And I'm pretty much emotionally destroyed.

But that's over now. I'm moving on. I'm going to university and I will do well.

I hope


Pulling up to the halls of residence, I'm starting to get nervous. I've never lived on my own before. I'm pretty much useless in taking care of myself. Pretty much reliant on my mum. Sad huh?

We find my room and start to unpack. I've got the only room that isn't directly attached to the rest of the other rooms. I'm pretty sure that this particular feature will grant me many blessings during my time here.

I hear some other people coming into the flat, and my heart is pounding. I'm not very good at meeting new people. But this is something that I need to overcome. I'm going to make friends here, whether I like it or not.

“D'you mind if I go meet my flatmates?” I ask my mother. She's kindly provided transportation for the move, since I've never actually managed to learn to drive, and is currently folding up my clothes and putting them into the wardrobe. That won't last long...

“Of course not,” she says. “Go on. Go make friends.”

I smile and take a deep breath. I can do this.

I open the door and step out into the company of all the other freshers.

Looking down the narrow hallway, I see that including my own bedroom, there are eight others. A guy is moving into the room at the end of the hall. I wave, but he ignores me. Great.

The door to my left, however, is wide open. I pop my head in and see a blonde girl. I clear my throat and she turns her head to me.

“Hi. I'm Emie. Nice to meet you.”

She smiles.

“I'm Amy.” She has a very strong South Wales accent. “Where's your room?”

“Right next door to you.” I point to it. I don't know why. My foot is still practically holding the door open so it's pretty damn obvious.

“Awesome! We can sit and chat whenever we want.”

I like this girl already. Mission make friends: success.

I'm Yours (Book One in the Glen Power Series)Where stories live. Discover now