Chapter 18

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It's been a couple of days since that night. Glen doesn't remember any of the night. I'm not surprised. He woke up in his room with no idea how he got there. And why he was half undressed. And needless to say, his head was completely fucked up.

I didn't sleep that entire night. I stayed in the living room, thinking about the revelation that I had. I told Glen that I loved him. Did I mean it? I wasn't sure. It wasn't like he remembered anyway, so I have plenty of time to think things through.

Nick didn't do anything to me. Luckily. He knew the risk of letting loose on me in my own house. He 'forgave' me, but decided to stay a few more days, seeing as Glen ruined his night.

To be honest, I think I'm glad he's staying. With all this thinking I've been doing, it could make things a lot easier for me...

Everyone is on their way over. I've made sure that they will all be here. I want as many witnesses as I can. I'm going to tell Nick everything. Maybe not about my confession to Glen. I don't want anyone to know that. But I want to hurt him as much as I can.

I'm sat in the living room, and Nick is taking a shower. Glen comes down the stairs and sees me. I smile, letting him know Nick isn't here. He smiles in relief and steps inside.

“You okay?” he asks. I nod.

“Great.” I'm not lying. “Tonight is going to be good.”

“If you say so.”

“You won't forget this night, Glen.”

The doorbell goes and Glen is off to answer it. I'm so glad all of my friends are kind enough to arrive all at once. I don't have to wait around for everyone to arrive at separate times, working myself up. I take a deep breath and smile as everyone comes to join me.

Nick still hasn't gotten out of the shower. I take my chance to warn everyone that something will happen.

“Are you going to...” starts Christy, but she can't continue. The bathroom door opens and Nick strolls into the living room. I take deep breath and stand up. The look he shoots me could kill, but he smiles falsely.

“You going somewhere?” he asks. Okay. This is it...

“No,” I say firmly. “But you are. I want you out.”

No one says a word. I can see everyone looking at each other and shifting uncomfortably. But my eyes are focused directly on Nick, who I can see is holding in all his rage.

“Excuse me?” he says, a little too calmly for my liking.

“I said, I want you out. I can't stand this any more. I won't do this. So get out.”

Nick just stands there, not saying anything. I've done it. I've scared him. I've...

And then he laughs. That throws me slightly.

“Oh Emie,” he laughs. “Don't be stupid. You love me. This is just some practical joke, isn't it?”

“No, Nick. I'm done with you.”

The laughing stops abruptly and he's moving towards me. He senses everyone tensing up, ready to move if needed. This makes him stop.

“You can't end it with me,” he hisses. “You can't cope without me.”

“Yes I can.”

“Who will want you apart from me? You're nothing without me. You came running back like the little whore you are.”

I smirk, ignoring everyone else getting up in defence. “You think so?”

“I know so. No one else will take you now.”

I'm Yours (Book One in the Glen Power Series)Where stories live. Discover now