Chapter 7

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Christmas has been and gone. I managed to entertain my Irish guest, and he even seemed to enjoy his time with us. I should totally be one of those fancy tour guides you see on the telly. Might get to meet me some famous people. I'm pretty sure famous people go on those tours...

“Get your head out of the clouds and pay attention!”

Oh yeah. During my wonderful daydream of meeting some good looking famous man and marrying him all in the space of a day, I had forgotten that I was meant to be helping Glen out with this new song he's writing. Turns out this guy is amazing on the drums. I'm not just saying that because he's a friend. He is genuinely incredible. Not only that, he can play the guitar too. And sing. My God, is there anything this guy can't do? I feel a little rubbish in comparison to be honest.


“Sorry. Where were we?”

“I was asking you whether you thought these words work with this riff I've come up with.”

“Oh. Yeah. Sure.”

“You didn't even listen. What's your problem?”


“I know when you're lying. Your voice goes all high pitched.”

“It does not!”

“See?” I hate him sometimes. “Now tell me what the problem is.”

“I don't know. I just...I don't know why you want my help. It's not like I'm any good at this stuff.”

“What stuff?”

“Music. Writing. That stuff.” I look away. “In fact, I'm not good at anything. So I don't know why you want me to help you out. You don't need me. You're practically perfect on your own.”

He doesn't say anything. I just feel so rubbish right now. He's probably reconsidering this whole friendship thing we have going on. I mean, I would if I were him. I wouldn't want to be caught dead in my company. I feel like I could cry.

I feel the bed shift slightly. I don't look up, but I know that he's right next to me now. He still doesn't say anything, but hands me a sheet of paper. Looking down at it, I recognise my handwriting.

“What's that?”

“I found it near the bin in your room.”

What the hell? He had absolutely no right...

“It's beautiful.” He put his arm around me. I can't take my eyes off that piece of paper. “You have so much talent. You really need to have more confidence in what you do. I've heard you sing too. Pretty sure you thought you were the only one in the flat. Your voice is amazing.”

Tears well up in my eyes. This is either a very cruel joke or...

Before I know it, Glen has pulled my into his arms and is resting his chin on the top of my head.

“Ah Emie,” he soothes. “You should start believing in yourself. You know why?” I shake my head. “Because I believe in you. And I always will.”

That's all it takes. I'm now bawling my eyes out into his shoulder. No one has ever been so kind to me. No one has ever said that they believe in me. His words have embedded themselves in their heart. It hurts, but not the bad kind of hurt. It's the feeling that nothing will ever be the same again.

He lets me cry until there's nothing left, rubbing my back and planting soft, soothing kisses in my hair. When it's all over, he pushes me back slightly and looks me dead in the eye. I wipe my eyes and smile gratefully at him. He grins.

I'm Yours (Book One in the Glen Power Series)Where stories live. Discover now