Chapter 15.

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Penelope's POV.

I woke up with a banging headache. I don't remember anything from yesterday. I looked around the room and realised it was mine, I looked down at my clothes and I was still in the dress from last night. I sat and groaned at the pain in my head. I slowly walked to my bathroom and looked myself. I screamed, my eyes popped out their sockets. I look like shit fucking shit. Raccoon eyes, red nose and I don't even want to start on my hair.

I got in shower. I stood under the warm water trying to remember last night but nothing came back to me. I was clueless, completely clueless. I rubbed some shampoo into my hair because it smelt like beer. I finished washing my body and grabbed a fluffy towel and wrapped it around my body the same with my head towel. I walked out my bathroom and put on black knickers and a Nike sports along with matching shorts. I put some plain white ankle socks on.

I walked downstairs and looked for the headache shit. I took two. I turned around to face my mother, an angry mother. Arms crossed and everything.

"Hello mum" I smiled at her.

"How could you Penelope? I thought you stopped taking drugs and doing alcohol! Penelope why?" She said as tears flowed down her eyes.

"I-i took drugs?" she nodded."Mum i swear i didn't know what i was doing. I have stopped mum I promise"

"You know Jamie found you in the middle of the garden drunk and high of whatever you took. You were so happy Penelope. So fucking happy. Am I not a good enough mother?" She choked out. Tears were falling down my face at this point.

"You're the best mother anyone could ask for mum. I love you so much. I didn't know what I was doing last night. I am happy mum so happy here. I like my friends, I like Jamie. I'm happy mum" I was crying out a river right now.

"Please I beg you I don't want you to turn out like you did before we moved. If your down talk to me please don't push me away" I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her petite body. She started to shake and hiccup.

"I love you mum" I kissed her cheek. She smiled at me and grabbed my cheeks in her hands.

"I love you too" She kissed my cheek and then smacked me on the back of my head. "Bloody brat don't scare me again"

"Yes ma" I smiled at her.

The doorbell went and she went to answer the door while I grabbed an apple of the table. I took a bite and Jamie walked in face like thunder and my mum trailing behind him. She gave me a smug smile and stuck out her tongue. I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'm going food shopping be home soon" she grabbed her things and waltzed out the house with that stupid smile plastered on her face.

"So you going act like nothing happened huh?" He said once he heard the door shut.

"Oh hey Jamie how are you?" I said ignoring his comment.

"Don't start with me Penelope what you done was very stupid"

"You remember when I asked for your opinion? Oh, no? yeah me neither" I said throwing my apple in the bin.

"My opinion? I spent hours looking for you to find out you dancing like a slut on the dance floor and high and drunk. Then see you cry your heart out because you didn't think you was perfect or good enough. I don't know what happened before you moved here but this isn't like the people from your old town Penelope. This is full of people who accept you for who you are! God damn it" He said, his eyes were bright from the tears.

I walked over to him grabbed his tshirt and pulled his lips down to mine. We weren't moving. I pulled away, looking at him with wide eyes and his face with the same expression. Confusion washed over me. I didn't even know what came over me.

"I'm sorry" I muttered. "I shouldn't have done that" I tell him.

"You're right" He says. "I should've"

He pulls me in and out lips touch again, our lips move in sync.It didn't take long for my instincts took control. My hands moved to grip his soft hair, tugging gently. Jamie nipped my lip and the kiss depend. I was on cloud nine. He pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. Both of us breathing heavily. He pecked my lips and smiled.

"I still won't lose this game P" He winked at me, something was wrong with this boy. 

"Was you dropped as a baby?" I ask him.

"Yeah I was" He replies with a smirk.

"I thought s-" He cut me off.

"In a pool of sexy" He winks at me.

"Fuck off you twat" I smile at him. "Thanks for last night Jamie, I mean it" I hug him around his waist.

"Can you tell me why you was crying saying you wasn't good enough?" He looks down at me.

I nodded and told him to follow me to my bedroom. We sat on the bed.

"There were some girls back in my old school and they were so thin and everyone wanted to be like them and if you wasn't you was the bottom of the school, always bullied. So you have to show them you were like them. And I wasn't the skinniest girl, I was pretty curvy but I stopped eating and what not. Dropped a lot of pounds. I just wanted to be happy so I got involved in the wrong crowd by my ex-boyfriend. Introduced me to drugs and alcohol and we would always do that shit. You know I just wanted to fit in" Jamie hugged me to him and I lay on his chest and he lay on the bed.

"My ex Daniel tried to get me to have sex with him but I didn't want to. So he broke it off, and I thought I loved him so I sat at home overdosed on pills, drank a whole bottle of vodka. And my mum found me and she was fed up off all my shit so we moved here. And I think I'm happy" I smiled up at him.

"If you ever feel unhappy I'm always here. A phone call away." He kissed my forehead.

He began kissing down my neck. "mmm you smell nice." He said.

"Just shut up and act like a pillow" I said.

"You mean you want me to be all warm and soft, so you can wrap your short legs around me and lay in bed" He said laughing.

"Yeah that" I snuggled into him and listened to his heart beat soon I found myself falling asleep.

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