Chapter 24.

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I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was dressed in a suit. Something I always loved him wearing, he was beautiful.


He looked a mess, dark bags under his eyes, hair longer then before and sticking up everywhere.

He stood where the Principle was standing, he had his hands behind his back.

The lights came back on and he began searching for something. I felt hands slip into both of mine. I looked and saw Dylan and Maddy holding my hands. Ethan was behind me.

I turned back to Jamie and saw him looking directly at me. I gulped and squirmed under his gaze.

"Penelope" My name left his mouth. I was trying not to break down and cry. "I'm sorry. I was so stupid to let you go. I shouldn't of left you at the hospital. I just wanted to come back take you in my arms and never left you go" I squeezed Maddy and Dylan's hands tighter. "I had a lot of time to think, most of it I spent drunk trying to forget you but ended up forgetting my own name instead." He ran his hand through his hair. "When I'm with you I get butterflies, my heart skips a beat when I see you smile. Everything is perfect when I'm with you," Tears were running down my face. "I love your laugh, I love your eyes, your nose, I love you so much Penelope. I love you so much I can't bear to be without you. I need you in my life." We both had tears falling down our faces at this point. "When you got shot, I thought I lost you and I don't think I could deal with that. I promise you I will protect you with my life. You're my happiness P and I'm sorry for disappearing." He hopped down from the stage.

People parted way for him to walk down. He strolled down to me, he looked down at me. I turned my gaze away from him. "Look at me P" He whispered.

I hate him for doing this, I thought I could get over him and then he has to go ahead and to this.

I slapped him.

"I deserved that" He rubbed his cheek.

"You deserve so much more" I said to him.

Tears started to flow down his face, he covered his face with his hands and dropped to his knees. Sobs started to escape his mouth. "I'm sorry" He was repeating over and over again.

Watching a man break down and cry was heart-breaking especially a bad boy and the man you loved.

I looked up to the celling and tried to calm myself down. I looked over to my friends who had tears in their eyes and they all nodded saying I needed to do the right thing. I looked around and loads of teachers and girls were crying and the boys looking someone what sad.

"Jamie" I whispered his name. I gave him my hand and helped him up, he stood up and looked down at me again. I grabbed his face in my hands and wipe his tears with my thumbs. "I love you" I said so quietly I don't think he heard. His eyes snapped to mine.

"You do?" He asked me, I just nodded.

"I was trying to move on, start a new beginning in my life and then you had to do this. I'm suppose too hate you and I can't because I love you so much it hurts. You left me, you just left me and I was hurting so bad." I looked down at ground.

He grabbed my chin and pushed it up. "I know but it was to protect you, I have a lot of bad things in my Penelope, I'm not a bad boy for nothing" He chuckled lightly.

I sighed, this is the right thing to do.

"I forgive you" I looked into this eyes.

He smiled. Oh how I missed that smile. "I will make it up to you" He brought me into a bone crushing hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I miss him. "Would it be okay if I kissed you?" He whispered.

"I would be mad if you didn't" I smiled up at him.

He bent down and pressed his lips to mine. Sparks flew everywhere fireworks erupted in my stomach. He grabbed the back of my neck and pushed me closer to him.

He pulled back and pecked this again.

Everyone was cheering around us, I looked up and my man. My man I like that.

"By the way you looking beautiful, very beautiful." He kissed my cheek.

I looked around and saw most of the people have gone back to dancing. I looked over at my friends and smiled. I saw Ethan and I frowned. I totally forgot about him.

"I'll be back" I said to Jamie and walked over to Ethan.

"I'm sorry" I blurted out.

"It's fine Penelope honestly, I knew you still loved him anyone could see it" He said smiling.

"I know" I mumbled. "We can still be friends right?"

"Yeah" He laughed. "We can be friends, oh and you might want to hurry I think your friends are going to kill Jamie" He nodded over to where Jamie and my friends stood. They were all glaring at him.

"Your right. And thank you Ethan" I kissed his cheek. I watched him walk over to a quite girl of our year and asked her to dance.

I walked back over to Jamie and them. I got there just as Dylan punched his cheek.

"Okay I deserved that" Jamie rubbed his jaw, the same side I slapped.

"I had to watch her cry her eyes out every day, hell you deserve a beating" Dylan spat. "You left her in the rain, I watched her shut everyone out. I watched her starve herself because she couldn't eat after you left." Emma placed a hand on his bicep calming him down.

"I know I know. But I'm going to make it up to her I promise. I love her to much to leave her again" He glanced over at me and smiled.

"You better not" Dylan said pointing a finger at him.

We all chatted for a bit.

"Can I have this dance?" Jamie held out his hand. I nodded and placed my hand in his. He led me out to floor and placed one hand in mine and the other on my lower back. I placed one on his shoulder.

"Where was you?" I asked him.

"At the gang warehouse, but I'm done. I'm shutting that shit all down." He looked at me.

"What about everyone else?"

"We will still keep in touch and stuff. But we are all going to be living our own lives now, no gang shit" He said.

"You're done?" He just nodded.

"I saw your face when Ethan was dancing with you. Trying to touch what's mine" He growled.

"Weeelllllllll I wasn't really yours" I smirked.

"You'll always be mine, ever since I saw you in the hallway and kicked me in my balls" He said.

"I said I was sorry" I smiled at him.

I was happy. I was finally happy with Jamie. I missed him. I missed us. I'm glad he is down with this gang stuff.

"You so lost that game" I smirked.

"I know but so did you" He smirked back at me.

"I love you" I said to him.

He looked down and stared at me for about a minute. "I love you so much"

And I really did love him.  

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