Ch 30 &31

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Im not "runing" the characters, Im showing how like there is darkness and derpravity in there souls under the happy parts ok? None of them are prefect, they have Flaws.

Hailey could not beta this one shes not here this week end.

The characters already had flaws.What you did was turn them into your Mary sue's puppets.

Chapter 30.....The Gladiater Rink

Now I no longer needed to kill Zeus anymore. But before I could breath reliefully, some Roman deimgods busted open the door and they saw Octavius was dead and there was a big steak sticking out from his heart and there was a gun right in my hand. I was framed!

You killed him yourself.No one framed you.

Reyna was the girl in charge of the Roman camp, she glared at me wrathly with dark eyes of shere hate, "You mudred Octavius!"

Reyna hated Octavian.

"He wanted me to kill Zeus!" I explained but Reyna interrupted me, she took out a big sword made from Empirical Gold and pointed it at me. "I challenge you to.....the gladiater rink!" (That's how the Romans did because there were no police, they challeged you to a fight instead and if you won that means you were innocent from the crimes.)

Not really....pretty sure there was some other stuff involved.

"Fine, we will fight!" I yelled.

"Ok you have 1 hour to get dressed and everything," Said Reyna and she went away.

She has everything already though.Weapons are all you really need.

First I went in a room and striped until I was all naked. (But first I put metal sheets in front of teh windows cause the camp was full with pervs.) Then I put on a metal bra made from iron and steel with the mark of Artmeis, it was blessed from the gods so nothing could go through it.

Op much?

Then I put on a matching leather skirt with silver studs to go around the waste. Lastly I put on silver gauntets that were spiky and metal like wolferine from x men. Then I went to the gladiater rink.

Reyna was there and she had like 60 cheer leaders and many fans, they cheered for her bloodthirty waiting for death. Hazel and Jason and Frank and Leo were my fans and they were all dresseed in black to show there supportment for me. My heart sunk deeply cause Percy was not there, but then it burned dark cause I was filled with angry at him. Reyna took her gold sword and said "Are you ready!"

"I was ready when I saw you rise from the dust of teh earth!" I said all badass.

So is Reyna Gaea now?

Then Julius Caser a roman guy came to explain the rules of gladiaters, "If Flavia beats Reyna but does not kill her yet, the audiance can vote. The fight is on this bill bored, if you click teh thumbs up button she will not killer her but if you click the thumbs down she will die!"

Voting?Pretty sure it was settled when one dies.

Reyna yelled her battle cry "Rome is my hooooome!1!" But my battle cry was like this "Bibam Sanguinam Tuum!" (That is real Latin, look it up if you don't beleive me)

"I drink blood"
Huh.I'm suprised it wasn't something like, "This is a bump".

First Reyna swunged her sword in a glitter ark of deadly gold, it missed cause I moved away quickly. Then I cut at her leg with Agamenmom but she kicked sand on my eyes, I flashed in anger and beared my empusa fangs. She tried to cut me with her gold sword but I was too fast for her to cut me. We were both fighting really fast so we were like a blur.

Sorry, that blur title is already taken by a blue hedgehog.

Suddenly she tried to cleeve my head but I kicked her like a ninja and she flew like 30 feet backwards but she got back up and charged with the sun glintering on the empiracal gold sword.

Suddenly I looked and.....Percy was there watching the fight! I looked in his eyes suddenly, our eyes gazed together and I was filled with a bust of energy to kill!

Cliche alert.

I took the lighting bolt from Zeus and threw it at Reyna and there was a big expulsion and blue light and then she was no more. The audience started to cheer.....I was the new Roman camp leader now!

Nope,it doesn't work that way.They have to choose whether you would be praetor.

------!Linearu Breakaru!------
31....Dark Revulution

Now I was the queen of all the Roman camp and it fitted me suitedly. The first thing I did now was to tell all the deimgods to look for the word to defaet the words of Death. Tehn I forbidded preps.

Wow Flavia.You exiled all preps from new Rome.What are you, Hitler?

Nextly I turned the temple of Apherdite into a Hot topic.

It's the temple of Venus.

Also I got a lether toga that flown in the wind and it was black and kind of ripped on all the eges. I stood majestly on the temple to Artmeis and I twarked majestly to taunt uprisers.

'twarked' I really hope that isn't twerking.

Hazel stood next to me and she became my right hand man, exept she was a girl not a man duh.

I walked to the temple for Artemis and made a sacrafice. I sacraficed a pare of black high top converses an soon Artmeis aparated on top of the alter. "What dust thou do here" she repramanded.

"Wheres the word of death," I asked her.

"It is in the camp, more I cannot say" She explaned sorrowfly.

Suddenly I looked close at the alter, I saw someone wrote on it...the word to destroy the word of death! But I cant say what it is cause its too powerful for you to know.

Well that was easy.

"Now Kornos will die," I smiled cold like a snow.

A tear exploded gently from Artmeis's eye, "Yes now he must die"

Please don't tell me Kornos isn't her dad.

"Why are you crying, you should be happy and celberating," I said.

Flavia don't do it.

"But there is something thou should know, Kornos is your father!" Artmeis said.


"Well fuck" I said.

I hate you Flavia.I really do.

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