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Here we go again...
Chapter 9...Losers in Camp Half Blood

They aren't losers.

During I quested, Chrion got all the camper demigods together to discuss the quest. "Why did none of you go on the quest with them you dim fools?!"

During I quested?What?

"But we didn't pass the test of skills," Said a Apollo.

I'm pretty sure you can do better than slice up a table like Nivo.

"That is true, most of you are not born to be heros or anything we need to help Flavia Nico and Albaster anyway, how can we do this?"

"A sacrafice!" Said a son of Zeus. "We have a cooking grill in camp, we can speak with Artmeis to help them."

There can't be a son of Zeus in camp.The only child of Zeus is Thalia who is a hunter of Artemis.

"No scum, we will consult the oracle. Annabeth, this is your task because you were texting during capture the flag when you should of been fighting instead, this is a punishment," Said Chiron.

Demigods can't have,and use phones.

"They already talked to the oracle!" Snitted Annabeth. She was wearin Naill shirt that was pink and too much makeup so she looked blond & slutty, like all the Apherditis.


"But they did not get a prophacy from Rachel, she is just a mortal but its good to have news from her too, anyway. Now go or you will be flung to Tarterus."

Rachel is the oracle.
Is Tarterus the opposite of Tartarus?

Annabeth walked into the big House to seek of Rachel. Rachel was in the attic and her eyes glowed green, "I have no prophacy exept the three on the quest will be of deimgods the best!"


Annabeth was mad but she had to tell Chiron. She was a coward in heart, that's why she took a shortcut in the room with all the computers in Camp. There was a strange noise, she came closer and screamed cause she saw.....Mr. D looking at child pr0n! ON CHIRON'S COMPUTER!


"Omg you perv get the hell outta here!" She yelled.

But Mr. D laughed instead, he did purple magic and Annabeth turned into a grape with no soul!

Apparently grapes have souls,and Annabeth was turned into a grape without one.
I don't even know what to think anymore.

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