Chapter 16

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Auto correct is 4 da preps, dis is my story my dream my life so back off bitches!

So apparently I'm a prep.And if this is your dream,it's not gonna work out unless you spell your words right,I'm not saying it has to be perfect,as I make tons of mistakes also,and make Flavia less MarySueish.

16...The Wrath of Kronos 2

Hate drove me like preemium fule, flew in the air like a bow shot from a arrow of Artmeis. I crashed into Kornos, our swords clashed with sparks of Hate.(I had a sword bc I took it from a dead hunteress.) Kornos was wearing golden armor all made from gold and was no silver, so I knew this was not Luke, just his corpus that Kornos was living on. (b4 he died Luke promise to wear silver every day when he was alive)Also he wore a helmet that said "Kornos" exept in greek scribbles and it covered his face up.

Silver.The most important thing in this story.

We circled to go in for the Kill. The battle seized around us so they could watch, there were all eyes on us. Exept a couple of monsters tried to sneak up and attack but I elimanated them and they were killed. Kronos swung that thing u cut grass with exept its called a sythe. (I looked it up so its true) The sythe cut threw the air but now it was not to cut grass but my neck. But I was too fast so I moved from the way and threw Agamermnon, it bounced off Kornos's fourhead and rickashayed so it buried in the throat of some other monsters.

"Fuck yourself Kornos," I said wisely.

Since when is telling someone to go fuck themselves wise?

"Never" Said Kronos and he swung the sythe again, this time I leaped into the air and did a backflips, this time the sythe cut a monster in halfs, blood sperted and oozed but it turned into dust so no one had to wipe it up.

"Wait why are u using the sythe when u know the word of death?" I asked him.

"I dont know it yet but I soon will and then I will use it on u and then tamarrow the world," He laughed like Hitler after killing a Jew.

Really.You have to go that far.

Albaster said "No its too dangerous he'll kill you Flavia!" he rushed at Kronos waving his hands, so he shot magic at the monsters and then he shit magic right in Kornos's face!

'and then he shit magic right in Kornos's face!'
I can't stop laughing at this!

But it bounced off without damige, laughed "U will have to do better than that loser" he hit him in the head with the sythe, but not with the sharp part cause that would of cut him in halfs, instead he hit him with the handle part so Albaster was knocked out and could not move or help, he layed on the ground like a dead fish the bastard. As I looked at him I knew in my heart I had not really wanted 2 make out with him, it was just his powerful magic confussing my mind. He should not of interfeered with my great and dark love for Nivo.


My world was confussed and Kornos knew this, he came out for the Kill. But I was faster then him, so I whipped at his face with Telemelchus, and it cut the face part off his helmet! I perpared to stab him in the eye to kill him but I saw that it was Luke's face which I could not stab in the eye to kill!


Kornos laughed in my face, "Im too hot 4 u2 kill right" and the sky turned into lightening and he misted away to escape!

That sounds like a username for a weird weaboo.

"Stop him idiot" wined Ivy.

How is this whining?
He's trying to escape!

"Silence" I said, I knew then in my heart I could not kill Kronos as long as he was wearing Luke's corpus!

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