Chapter 6:Can You Hold A Star?

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Casper's POV


Later in the day everyone decided it would be fun to celebrate my returning by throwing a mini party.
The party would've started an hour ago, but Jerome insisted that he go out and buy some drinks. So, we started the party without him. Adam was playing some music on his speakers, but not super loud. We don't want to disturb the neighbors.
"I've got drinks!" Jerome shouted as he entered the house. Everyone shouted with joy as they took a drink, everyone but myself. I wasn't much of a fan of drinking.
About an hour into the real party Jerome, and Ty were drunk off their asses and Adam, Sierra, Alesa (Adam's girlfriend), and Jenna (Ty's girlfriend) were getting tipsy. I had no idea where Mitch was, but I'm positive that he is also drunk off his ass.
I let out a sigh and walked upstairs to my room. I stepped out onto the balcony for the first time and took in a breath of fresh air. It was a different from the musty, toxic scent from inside, but it was definitely a good change. I looked up at the stars and smiled slightly.
"I wonder how they got there," I say to myself.
"I hear that every time a person dies a new star appears and shines down on that dead person's loved ones," A voice softly replies. I jump a bit and turn my head to see Mitch behind me. I let out a sigh of relief and turn back around.
"Is that so?" I ask him, fairly curious.
He walks up next to me and rests his arms on the railing as he responded, "At least that's what I've heard. I'm not positive if it's true or not." I nod my head and smile slightly.
"Do you think it is possible to hold a star?" I ask him, quietly. I could tell he was looking at me and I turn my attention from the starry night sky to him.
"There is a story I know about that, but you probably wouldn't like it," he teased.
My eyes go wide and I replied quickly, "No way! I'd probably love the story!"
"No, you wouldn't," he responded, continuing to tease me.
I grab his arm and look into his eyes. "Please Mitch!" I plead him.
He chuckles and says in defeat, "Fine, I'll tell you the story."
"Yes!" I cheer in success. He chuckles and looks back up at the stars. I continue looking at him face that was perfectly lit by the moon.
He takes a deep breath and begins to speak. "Long ago there was a young girl who every night would lay in the grass and stare up at the stars. Every night that girl thought about what it would be like to hold one of those beautiful stars. Until, one night while she was looking at the stars a young boy came along. This boy just so happened to be one of the boys who made fun of the girl. So naturally, the young girl was afraid of him. She wasn't sure if she could trust him or not. Over time though, the boy and the girl began to talk and get to know each other. The girl soon felt safe talking to the boy and the boy finally felt happy for once. Then one day while the boy and girl where staring at the stars together, the asked if it was possible to hold a star. The boy smiled at her and told the girl that it was indeed possible. The girl begged him to tell her how, but the boy told her that she must wait. A year went by and the girl was alone again. The boy went away and she sat alone, wondering what the answer could be. Many more years passed and she still sat trying to figure out how it was possible. She never forgot about the boy because she found it very strange that he had just disappeared after that night. As she sat there though, a boy her age came up to her holding a necklace that was shining brightly. The boy said to the girl that he was sorry for being gone so long. He said he was searching for the perfect star for the girl to hold, a star that resembled her beauty and personality. The girl began to cry as she realized this was the boy that went missing many years ago. He went missing just to find her a star. After that night, the girl and the boy would always lay hand in hand watching the stars and the girl would always hold the star that her lover had gone missing for."
I sat there in awe as he told the story. What could it possibly mean?


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