Chapter 10: Not What You Think

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Casper's POV


I looked at myself in the mirror closely as I checked for any flaws. I seemed to have covered everything up perfectly. Nothing seemed out of place or wrong with my complexion and I smiled widely. I took a step back and inspected my outfit. For once I felt like I looked good. I turned around as I heard voices downstairs. I knew Jerome and Mitch were probably talking. I grabbed my bag and ran out of my room and walked down the stairs. I made eyes contact with Mitch and chuckled quietly as his eyes nearly popped out of his head. Despite my casual attire, he seemed to be impressed.
"W-Wow. Casper, you look amazing!" He exclaims as he looks me up and down.
I lightly punch his shoulder and reply, "You don't look too bad yourself." I glance at Jerome and he winks at me. I could feel my face heat up slightly as I quickly looked away.
Mitch led the way to his car and as I got in he closed the door.
"So, where will we be going good Sir?" I ask him with a posh accent.
He responds back with the same posh accent, "You'll see m'lady."
As we rode in the car, we jammed out to the radio together, despite the distasteful selection of songs. As we arrived at the spot Mitch made me cover my eyes. He helped me out of the car, then proceeded to lead me somewhere.
"I swear Mitchell Hughes if you let me fall, I will make sure you don't have the ability to reproduce in the future," I threaten as I blindly walk.
He quickly replies, "Don't worry Casper! I won't let anything happen to you." I laugh a bit and after what felt like forever, he stopped.
"Okay, I you can uncover your eyes now," he tells me. I slowly uncover my eyes and stand there, smiling widely. Before me, stood the gazebo in the park that was about twenty minutes away from the house we were staying at.
I could clearly remember when I was about seven and we would come done here for vaction with Mitch's family. Those were the good old times. That all stopped though, when we all went into highschool. I shook off those memories and ran to the gazebo.
"Oh my gosh Mitch! I love it!" I shout as I study the texture and sight.
He chuckles and walks up as he says, "I had a feeling you would."

We both were laughing so hard as we sat on the floor of the gazebo. I laid on my back laughing as Mitch was hunched over laughing. I soon sat up after I recovered from my giggling fit and looked at Mitch, who had also seemed to recover.
"Hey Casper, do you remember the last summer we spent here together?" Mitch asks me. I freeze for a moment as I look down at my hands.
I take a deep breath and say, "How could I forget? You were fourteen and I was thirteen. It was the worst summer of my life. I lost my best friend and my brother. All because my best friend thought it was cool to hurt the people he cared about."
"Hold up. That was not true!" Mitch shouted suddenly. I stood up and he did as well.
"Then explain to me why you suddenly started hurting me! Was it because you were afraid? Or maybe it was because you started to hate me for wanting to go to a different school? Oh wait, maybe it was because you were so self centered back then that you didn't care about how others felt!" I shouted back at him. For a moment he glared back at me, then almost as if I had blacked out for a second, my face suddenly started to sting. I reached my hand up and to touch my stinging cheek. I knew exactly what had just happened. I look up at Mitch with tears in my eyes.
"O-Oh my god... Casper I didn't mean to!" Mitch stutters as tears slip down his cheeks.
I shake my head and hiss, "Save it! You really haven't changed and you never will. You'll always be a cold hearted monster!" I run away from him and into the distance. I couldn't beleive he would hurt me again.
And just when I thought he had actually changed.


Mitch's POV


As I watched Caper run off into the distance I fell to my knees and hit the ground. I didn't mean to hurt her. The memory of what had happened that summer burned my mind and I concluded that she was right. I was just scared to admit it. And because of my stupid actions, I've lost her again. I don't think I'll ever be able to get her back.
As I think about what she had said I slowly stood up and walked to the car. I was really a monster. To beleive I actually thought I had a chance with someone like her. I don't deserve her. I never did. And I never will.
Because any chance I had with her, I officially destroyed.
I can never forgive myself for what I have done to her this time.
This didn't go the way I thought it would. Then again, nothing ever goes my way.


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