Through The Window (PruRusCan) pt. 1

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Like I've said in the past I ship most every hetalia ship (the only ones I don't are Belgium ships, no offense, but she belongs with Netherlands. Sorry) But this has to be my favorite, but, the whole world is my OTP so. YEE. Enjoy my little cheesy unicorns! (I feel so bad, it seems every fanfic I write Canada gets hurt...) may trigger?  

Gravity pushed forward, shrapnel crashing against it, the burning sensation spread through, a scream was muffled by the crouching metal, twisting around into spirals, glass pieces flew past and dug into everything in its way, making little trenches eventually becoming red. Sirens rang, a piercing scream throughout the fragile wreckage, white lights cast upon the wreckage, rolling and yelling, clawing and prodding. Until everything was finally quiet.

Matthew sat up, sweat drenching his back as his lungs grasped for breath. He held his pounding head, holding back sobs. The light flashed on, feet running in. No...don't let them! S-Stop! His hands immediately went to his ears and head into his knees, Make the noise stop....the lights....the screams..the- A soft feeling met his back, drawing circles into it as a familiar Accented voice calmed him.

"'s okay, calm down, your safe. I'm safe, Your father is safe...We're all safe.." Matthews body still raked with dry sobs and shivers, burying his head into Arthur's Shoulder. But their not gone...Now are they, Matthew? We'll be back.. His breathing eventually slowed and he sighed softly. Arthur pulled him away, looking into his eyes and smiling softly.

"Today's the day, Matthew.." The Day we leave...the day I leave...them. Matthew nodded excitedly, reaching over and putting his glasses onto his face. His father's features coming into view, the grass green eyes, the wheat colored hair, the insanely large eyebrows, and his beige complexion. Arthur stood up, helping Matthew up from his place in his sleeping bag on the floor of their Soon-To-Be-Left house. "Now, be a good lad and get yourself so,e breakfast...I'm pretty sure we have stuff still downstairs. We'll leave in a few..." Matthew nodded, yawning softly as he padded down the stairs. After a small breakfast Arthur walked down with a box and smiled at him,

"Say your last goodbyes, because this is it." Matthew smirked, nodding curtly at the evil house. Walking to the truck and slamming the door behind him. Arthur sighed, still looking at the house. He always knew Matthew was having difficulty living there...he knew something other than him going.....mute. After the accident was happening, but Matthew never told him nor did was he able to help. Maybe the move would help.... He put on his normal face and jumped into the car, starting it up.

About Three Weeks Later

After the family had settled into their new was time for the cursed thing called....high school.




Matthew rolled over, tapping his alarm clock lightly. His eyelids cracked open slightly as he stared at his ceiling. Before him and Arthur had gotten there, Francis had redecorated everything and put all the furniture in place ect. It was a neat apartment, two bedrooms, a basement, living room, and kitchen. Bathrooms in each bedroom. It was small, but it was cosy. And it didn't have them. His bedroom was a happy shade of purple-blue, similar to the color of his eyes, with dark hardwood floors, tons of hockey posters. His bookshelf sat high and might next to his bed, all the other essentials scattered amongst the room. The biggest part of the apartment was that it was connected to the bakery below it. Bonnefoy and Kirkland. Yeah.....Anyway. There were giant reflective windows in the main room of the bakery (Which consisted off a kitchen, dinning area, and counter) that were mirrored windows. Matthew loved them, they reminded him of himself. Always looking at you...but you would never notice...

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