Okay just a random Petekey cause thats just who i am this weeke

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band trash.

It rolled around on the floor. Head spinning, twisting in Angles it shouldn't be. The black and white stripes cascading down its long structure, the beady black eyes of plastic, and the ball sweet to its nose by some random Chinese kid. It was one of them.

"What the hell...." The tall boy was entranced by it. Following its every move and poking it when it stopped. His demeanor not matching his aura. His black ripped skinny jeans, converse, hoodie, and a random shirt he hopes wasn't his brothers and clean. Not to mention the glasses on the bridge of his nose, the smudged guy liner beneath them, or his eyes.....His eyes were the most luring thing about him.

The round object were mainly a color of brown. Little flakes of red, green, and blue clashed in like random flecks on a easel. His eyes altered his aura, currently, he gave off an unfeeling stoic one. Sometimes they gave off a sweet, bashful, one. Sometimes they gave off the scariest thing, changing into a dark brown, the terrifying phenomenon only happened in two occasions. If the boy was truly were truly broken, armor torn like his heart, or he was angry. Boiling and burnt to no return.

Pete had seen every version of the eyes. Loving them nonetheless. How they sparkled with licks of flame, how they burned with passion, only to be as soft as a dainty falling ash. Mikey Way was his fire. Pete was the match. The two made each other, one hurting themselves over the other. Falling slowly into the unlit embers. Then when the two crash, sparks fly. And the fire combusts.

But anyway, Mikey Way was now entranced by a mechanic gerbil. Gerard, Frank, Mikey, and Pete were casually sitting in an almost empty Cracker Barrel. The place was luckily open 24/7. They lazed about on the chairs as everyone boredly shuffled about. It was about four AM anyway.

"Mikey what are you doing?" Pete asked, eyebrows up in a Really? Expression. Mikey stayed, staring into the plastic eyes of the Gerbil. "Mikey." Silence. Pete nodded slowly before hastily sprinting over to Gerard.

"Dude, there's something wrong with Mikey." Gerard blinked and yawned, looking in the direction of Mikey. His expression matched Pete's as he nudged Frank awake who'd been snoring on the table since they ordered not to long ago.

"Get your camera ready..." The trio made their Way over to the hypnotized boy.

"Mikey...Babe what's wrong?" Pete asked soothingly, he waved his hand in front of his face. No response. "EYYYY MIKEY. LOOK YOUR BROTHERS TAPED TO A PICKLE!" Pete winked at Gerard who looked around for anything green and smacked his head into it.

No response

"Umm.....OH MY GOD LOOK! ITS BRENdoN LoOK MiKeY!" Gerard screeched, shaking his brother before running across the room.


Frank winced slightly, "That's gonna leave a mark..." He murmured and walked over to Gerard, helping him up before walking back over. Pete leaned against the register, the half asleep old lady not caring about the shitty teens. They all stood in silence as they Thoth about what-

"GUYS OH MY GOD I MIGHT CRY!" Everyone's face turned towards Frank who was next to a Meter stick with false tears in his eyes, "I GREW GUYS. OMG. I MIGHT LIKE DIE!"

Gerard squealed and picked Frank up, crushing his lung and jumping up and down.

"THE LITTLE FRANK THAT COULD. OMG." Pete grinned, tears streaming down his face as the teens' laughter filled the empty restaurant. He glanced at Mikey who was out of his trance laughing along with them. Pete's grin only grew bigger and he looked back over at Frank-


While Ferard happened Pete walked back over to Mikey who looked at him. His eyes a sweet and caring brown color.

"You like that, huh?" Mikey's eyebrows met in confusion.

"Like what?"

Pete crossed his arms, eyes wide slightly with a sassy posture that would make Gerard proud, "The one I don't know you've been eye molesting since we got here!"

Mikey met posture and raised his eyebrows, "Excuse me, I was just looking at merchandise."

"Oh really I didn't know that included staring at it for almost twenty straight minutes."

"Your just jealous that it's eyeliner isn't as smudged as yours."

A chorus of  'Ohhhs' could be heard from coming behind them, making the two stop their little quarrel and look at The two behind them

"My little bro..So proud.." Gerard said as he wiped fake tears.

"So proud."

Soon after the little sass match they ate and left.

Not before buying the Gerbil thing

The end

This isn't that bad for 1:30 AM, Green Day, starvingly lonely person, writing session.

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