Safe and Sound (NorIce)

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Okay! I'm currently working on a request! Thank you for that! It's adorable btw. Sorry it took so long I just have been really busy with piano and crap! But I'll (hopefully) be able to get on more during break.  ((based on a dream I had))

Flames licked up greedily, Whispers of smoke spiraling above and into the beyond. Yelling was heard from all around, blood splashing against tears. Salt and iron mixing through the fiery rage. Clashing between blades, the screech of metal. Brutality filled the air, greed filling their lungs, the thought of land simply to much for their money lusted minds. Stuck in their pride, they refused to deny. They had fallen. It was only time. Until a scream rang out and everything froze, blue met purple as the flames flickered. One looked away as laughs of a mad man entered.

Iceland's gaze met the Danes' in front of them, Then to the one holding him. Eyes green with greed, Denmark's once happy face was now covered in blood as he smirked down. What he smirked at was a tragic sight.

The crews' bodies were mercilessly left loose, entrails sprawled out across the deck. Blood coating everything in sight, not to mention the flames so hungrily basking in it. The smell...oh the smell..a mix of gun powder, blood, sweat, and death filled their nostrils. The smell of greed had left its path.

One thing stood out the most. A man crumbled to his knees stood before them. Hair now pink and coated to his pale face. Clothes tattered and harshly burnt to a crisp. Ashes fell a top of him, digging into his once porcelain skin. His stunningly blue eyes, once dull, now filled with worry and something that he had never felt.......Fear.

"Give up! You stand no chance. I will rule and you will fall, as everything else." Denmark said. Norway stared at the shocked figure he was holding, unresponsive. Denmark noticed this and lifted the poor boy up to his face.

"You're worried that fear I see, Norway? Ha.....For most unfortunate Ice?" The screech of leather filled the air again a weapon going up like Denmark's smile, "To bad he'll never get to see the light-"

"NOOOOO!" Norway lunged.

That was the last thing he ever did.

Hours later, with the sun high in the air. Birds circled the wreckage of the sunk ship. Iceland crawled across the sand, Purple eyes dull but wide and searching. Voice hoarse and throat dry as the beach he was on he croaked,

"Big Bror? Big bror? bIG BROR!" I yelled as loud as he could. Tears running down my ashen cheeks, until I stopped. Body frozen. Everything put on pause.

Norway's body lay there, Looking as it did before to the exact atom. Except this time, he had an accessory. An axe pierced into his chest, carving a trench into the flesh; the red of blood surrounding it. His face, still one of shock and fear, arm still stretched out waiting for something to feel. Eyes still open, looking into the sky.

"Atleast it wasn't us, huh Icey?"

"Don't touch me, Denmark!"

"Oh Icey~ You don't know what your doing!"

"Y-You've lost control Denmark stop! C-Can I please Grieve alone!"

".....hOW ABOUT I JUST LET YOU........"

"J O I N H I-"

"Ice! Ice! ICELAND!" Eyes flew open drenched in tears. Norway's worried face looking over me as I gulped, sobs rising as I threw myself into him sobbing freely. Confused, he just held me and rocked back and forth. Whispering calming words like music notes in a Sympathy, flying into my heart and making it soft. Then I realized.

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