All I Want (PrUk) Pt. 1

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Hello....Umm...This is uh a bit awkward, isn't it? Heh, rhetorical question, don't actually answer that. But today we have to make something known...No, this isn't your normal epilogue but it's not your normal prologue either so...Your just gonna have to deal..Its real, just so you know, all of it...You just have to guess where i fit in there

It started with an unheard song. Followed by a drunken curse word. Ended with a bang. Boss had always told me not to go in there, to avoid the drunken screams in the old alleyways. Ignoring the fright and blood outside of my window. But i went into it's source, headstrong and confident. Nothing would stop me ...Oh how wrong i was...

He hummed to himself as he sauntered on stage, me only peaking in from the kitchen eyes wide with the excitement of supposed rebellion, i knew immediately something was different. He just...Radiated it in a way.

At first, his lips moved as if he stuttered: Fingers twitching towards the chords yearning to meet something familiar again, Eyes deflecting the spot light like they weren't needed, and finally the cocky smirk that grew as he inhaled and-

His fingers moved, different place at once. Up and down the neck, side to side on the body. They were dancing like the fireworks on Fourth of July. Tapping feet and twirling in mid-air, making the notes fly into the air. Floating and swirling in little tornadoes of joy. I felt my face grow and lighten, inching my way closer to what seemed like God to me. I ended up, I still dot know how, right below the stage looking up in awe.

That's how i stayed for the rest of the show, scampering away after he started setting up and the drunkards left. I collapsed once i got to the kitchen, looking at my hands and smiling. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed-

Straightening my jacket out and clearing my throat i walked out, grabbing a tray and swiping the glasses off of tables. I was silent, not really having any other choice after all.

Then it hit me.


Boss stood behind me, arms folded and normal pale face with a dash of freckles and those sea blue pools for eyes. Red hair pilling over her shoulders, as she looked down at me.

I thought i had told you never to come out here, Arthur!

I sighed, hands getting sweaty and body tensing up, I-I know Ma'am b-but I was curious a-and... They kinda fell to my side and layed there, my head staring at my beat up hand me down Converse with marker on them.

A hand brought up my face and i was met with the sky. Almost literally, after all Boss's eyes were the prettiest most eyes in the galaxy. I gave her the most i'm sorry please don't kill because you love me and i'm bloody innocent  looks and she sighed.

You cant keep doing this Arthur....I might lose you someday! It's not like you can't protect yourself! She said, grinning with her pearly whites as she playfully slapped my arm. Cheeks tinted pink as i rolled my eyes at the comment before nodding.

I told me..

She made me look her in the eye again saying something very clearly and mildly terrifying,

I know your curious, Art, but you'll never make it....Its just not possible. So its better if you stay here, huh. You'd probably get crushed out there. Quite literally, you wouldn't be able to hear a semi if it was flying at you!

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