Hold Me Down (OcxOc)

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It's done Burr~

pssssssss: uG H

**Trans! Punk! Antz x Sexually confused! Hope**

Antz 🎶🎹🚹🚬💖: Hoe wake up I'm downstairs

Hope: What the fuck it's three AM

Antz:🎶🎹🚹🚬💖: They were yelling don't blame me

Hope: Lemme get dressed-

Hope: .......

Hope: Are you throwing rocks at my window

Hope: You're a hoe

Antz🎶🎹🚹🚬💖: I'm you're hoe

Hope: Tru

The red headed girl opened her window, eyebrow raised at the hooded boy standing below. She subconsciously twirled her bangs around her finger as she spoke,

"How are you gonna get up here, Hoe?"

The boy below grinned, Pearly Whites shinning in the dark. Not that Hope needed to see what he looked like, having memorized every crevice of him that she could. The sharpness of his high cheekbones, the creamy pale skin the stretched over his frail bones that broke every so often, the shinning blue eyes that seemed to be more blue then the sea, the way his voice lit up the world like the stars the sky, the way that he wore the spiked leather boots with holes burnt into them from undone fags, the way all clothes hung off his skinny frame. The way his hair would always change, The black and navy tones to its current.

Hope didn't know what she thought of  Blaine. She had memorized him, yet, couldn't dare memorize his feelings. If hers were not enough already, the weight of his would crush her like a bug. Like an elephant on a branch, Hope was already crushed. Though, she didn't know it.

"You have a door don't you?" He said, smirking a bit.

Rolling her eyes, "You know I'm not aloud downstairs past midnight." She replied, "They have cameras-"

"For Alfred."

"True. But you'll get caught and dad'll get mad-"

"But I'm hungry."

"But you're the one under my window at three am, now aren't you?"

He thought for a moment, "Touché."

Laughing softly she rolled her eyes, sticking her head out the window. It was a nice night out, not to cold and not to hot. Not to foggy and not to much mist. It was a unique change for the fall season.

"There should be a ladder by the fence from last time."

Blaine nodded, hastily setting it up and climbing it. He smiled as he got to the top, face to face with Hope.

She stopped breathing suddenly, eyes blinking rapidly trying to keep herself from freaking out. He bit his lip and for a moment his smirk faltered before he climbed in, attempting to bring the ladder in with him. It wasn't very tall, thankfully, so it didn't make much noise or take much time.

About five minutes later, him and Hope lay in bed, watching each other scroll through tumblr. Blaine glanced at Hope, smiling to himself as butterflies returned. The light of her laptop brought a blue hue to her freckled skin, which he knew was delicately soft. It took all he had not to kiss her right then. She just looked so.....perfect.

"Can I smoke?"

Hope jumped slightly, shaken out of her Tumblr induced hazed, "Yeah, course. Out the window if you must, though."

He nodded and made his way over, exhaling deeply as he took a drag.

"You know you really should stop....it's terrible for you." Hope said, shutting her laptop and sliding it back under her pillow. Sitting up, smiling at him.

"It's your fault I started anyway. If we hadn't gone to that god forsaken Battle to the death..."

"It was a family reunion and I didn't feel like going alone."

"Whatever. Same thing." Blaine replied, digging the cig into his hand and throwing it out the window. Hope grimaced, but knew he did it every time and, no matter how hard she tried, couldn't stop him.

He came back and curled up under the sheets, leather boots and jacket now on the floor beside him. Hope tucked a piece of his hair behind his cheek lovingly before laying down beside him. The sheets already smelled like him, to Hope. Whenever the arguing at home got bad he would come and vice versa. Hope's parents had divorced after middle school, Blaine's just Now beginning to drift away. Not that they cared about him anyway.

But his smell is one thing that made Hope insane. He smelled like freshly washed clothing on a gentle summer day, like old grunge photos hidden in grey smoke, like burnt daisies in a camp fire, like broken hearts on the sweaty night of prom. He smelled like everything Hope hated. Yet she kept loving it all the same.

Blaine on the other hand, staring at the wall beside him trying to be calm. Hope was inches away, he wanted to hold her. He wanted to whisper things in her ear until she believed them. Until the two felt at peace. Until everything was alright. He just wanted to make everything....okay.

So he did.

"Turn around."

Hope turned, eyebrow raised, "Hm?"

Blaine gulped slightly, wrapping an arm around her waist and one around her neck. The girl blushed immensely, teeth digging into her lips. His fingers tapped and twitched on their own against her skin as he leaned in.  Hope was closing her eyes, lips puckered and prepared-

He buried his head in her shoulder, words muffled by her clothes. "Let's cuddle.....like we did way back when?"

Hope sighed sadly, of course not. She agreed all the same.

Hours later the two wake up, tangled mess of limbs and hair around them. The sun shinning from the window and birds chirping outside.

Blaine's gaze met Hope's and in sync they post yelled the same thing.


The duo ran the stairs, rushing into the kitchen and flying into the chairs. Matthew rolled his eyes, smiling though. Soon enough, the rest of the family humbled down the stairs.

Everyone had gotten used to waking up with Blaine, Arthur being to much of a gentleman to kick the boy out. They had learned to love the punk who practically lived with them.

"Hey dad, There's this party at Gilbert's tonight I was wondering-"


"Arthur be reasonable, he's young! Let him do as he wishes!" Francis practically begged, it was to early another 'Why won't you let me grow up!' Argument between the two.

Arthur hesitated, staring down at his tea, "..Fine. But you have to bring Matthew and Hope."

Alfred grinned, "yeS THANKS DAD!!"

Matthew's face lit up, the very mention of Gilbert made him smile. 'But he's not gay...!'

Hope and Blaine looked at each other, shrugging.

"Why not?"

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