Chapter 2: Reputations Suck!

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Chapter 2: Reputations Suck!

Having a reputation is a tough thing to deal with. I have been slapping myself for a week for acting so tough, and now if I see her, and make an attempt to talk to her, we'll get weird looks.

It's been nine days since the mixer, and I can't get Sarina out of my mind. She's sweet, caring, and beautiful. I've caught my thoughts wandering away from the intense i order to think of her several times, which isn't a good thing, because I want to get through college as fast as I can, and F's will not help me do so.

I sit back in the library, not paying attention to my reading, and I feel someone shake my shoulder a bit, I look up at the librarian's assistant, another student here. "Hey, Libraries for studying, not sleeping," he accounted, sternly. Rory was his name, I think. I had a couple classes with him last year. I guess I would consider him an acquaintance.

"Sorry," I mumbled, sitting up a little bit and looking down at the book, as Rory walked away. I still couldn't stop thinking of her though, and ended up giving up on the studying thing. I'll just put some extra time into studying tonight.

I packed my things, and shuffled out of the library, aiming for the student lounge, where I could get my z's on, when I see a beautiful figure in the distance.

There she is, the lovely angel, Sarina. her golden blonde hair is pulled into a french twist and she is donning a an athletic look today, a pink sleeveless top with a black top over, a pair of blue denim shorts that just made it over that bubbly butt of hers, and knee high black and white striped socks. She looked adorable.

Blinded by her grace, I didn't immediately notice the people she's with, but now that my eyes have cleared, I can see them clearly. She is standing with another girl, who has long, curly brown hair, and is wearing thick rimmed glasses over her green eyes. But she's not the one that's causing me alarm. It's the guys.

There are three of them, all of them attractive. Hey being a lesbian doesn't mean I don't find guys handsome, I'm just not romantically or sexually interested in them. Anyways, these are three very charming guys. I recognize one of them, because he's my age, and I've had him in a class with me. Tim? Yeah I think that was his name.

Sarina and the other girl are talking with the guys, and she's smiling and laughing. Do I spot a blush? Oh gosh, why as I ever thinking she could like me? She's interested in guys clearly. I shouldn't even hope that she's bi.

Sarina looks over my way, and she sees me, "Oh hey Pepper," she smiles, and waves me over. I can't help but follow, I'm a lost puppy to the caring warmth of her hand.

I walk over to her and give a small, relaxed smile. "Hi."

"Pepper, these are some of my friends here. This is Bethanne, Tim, Nathan, and Ramond," she points out her friends to me. I introduce myself to them, though a little weary. "I have to get going to class, but do you want to hang out later, say 2:30?" she asks me.

I thought to my schedule, "Sure, I have a little free time," I nodded. "I better get heading to class to though," that was a lie. I still had another hour. I rushed off, only waving goodbye. Damn, what was I doing acting all shy? I'm not shy, I'm tough. Shit what am I doing with my life?

Not wanting to sleep in the lounge anymore, I head towards my car, and unlock it, opening up the back seat and grabbing a large blanket. I wrap myself in it and close the door once I'm inside, decided it was time to take some z's.

I come to when there's a knocking on my window. It's Tim, from earlier. He is grinning at me through my window. I grumble and sit up to open the door. "Class, huh?" he asked.

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