Chapter 5: Sob Stories are Even Better with Popcorn

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Chapter 5: Sob Stories are Even Better with Popcorn

(POV: Pepper)

I lie in bed that night, the thoughts swarming like bees in their hive. I can't keep my ees shut long enough to sleep.

What will I do? Can I really handle a girlfriend with multiple personalities? I have strong feelings for Sarina... I might even love her... But how do I get past Isabelle?

I sigh, sitting up and walking over to the old record player placed in my room. Tunes always helped me fall asleep at night. I slipped out an LP with some classical music on it, and placed it on. I hooked up the AC cable, turning it on, and lifted the needle, placing it on the first track.

A soft sound of the sweet classical music, slightly scratchy with the old player, filled the room. I let off a small smile, and walked back to my bed, tucking myself in and turning over to hopefully find some sleep.

Sarina stood on the dock, of a beautiful ocean side. I had never been to the ocean before, so this was my first time seeing it ever. It was gorgeous. Scratch that, she was gorgeous. Her golden hair tied up in a ponytail, lying over her shoulder. She was wearing a bright blue bikini, with darker lacing at the top and bottom.

I smiled, and ran over to meet her so we could share a kiss on the dock. I took her small form into my arms, holding her, as my lips met hers halfway.

My beautiful little angel stood in my arms, as we we had a make-out session on the beach. It went on like that for 1 minute, until she finally had to let go to breathe.

Her intake of air was cut off though, by a loud scream. Sarina was suddenly ripped off the dock, by a pair of hands. I was frozen in place as I looked down in horror at a clone of Sabrina was ripped out of my grasp. She held her, grinning an evil smirk. Isabelle had taken my Sarina.

I broke free, and tried to jump down after them, but Sarina was dragged underwater. I ove down, looking around in the water for her and Isabelle, but they were gone.

I woke up, gasping for air. My body shook like a leaf, as I tried to reclaim my breath. What the heck was that nightmare?

I finally caught up with my breath, and reached around me to grab my blanket. I wrapped myself in it, and looked at the clock. 4:30am. I sighe, realizing I hadn't been asleep for more than two hours, and I would not be getting back to sleep.

I stood up, slipping some socks on, and went to my desk to flip the record over. I grabbed my drawing tablet, and computer, and got to work on my latest piece.

By the time my alarm went off at 6:30, signaling I had to shower and get ready for school, I was finished with the rough draft. The red lines in the screen drew out a dolphin, jumping out of the water. I save it, and put my laptop in my backpack, and go shower up.

I get to school around 7:35, and Blake meets me in the parking lot. "Hey, o is it going with Sarina?" he asked me.

"Much better, I can't really explain to you what is up it her, because I would need her permission, but we are still dating," I explained to him.

'You still seem a little hesitant," he told me.

"We're fine now," I restated, firmly. Blake nodded his head, understanding I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Blake and I are silent, until we reach the classroom. There is a note on the door, reading:

"I'm sorry to inform you that Professor Aiden's English 4 class will not be meeting today. We will be meeting again next Thursday at the normal time." - Carrie Aiden

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