Chapter 6: The Three Wise Sisters

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Chapter 6: The Three Wise Sisters

"Are you alright, miss?" a soft voice asked me. I looked up, rubbing away a stray tear, at the female flight attendant.

"I'm alright," I gave her a smile. "Do you think I could get a cup of water?"

"Of course, I'll be back in a minute," she told me, and I sat back, drawing a deep breath. I probably should have just used a sleeping pill, but I knew I wouldn't be flying for that long so I didn't want to. But spending the whole flight feeling sorry for myself kind of sucke.

The flight attendant returned quickly with my water, I thanked her, and she asked me if I needed anything else. I declined, and was left alone. I was the only one in the row of seats, which surprised me because I booked the flight really late.

I was heading back home, to Rhode Island, for the weekend. I just needed to talk to someone. After this whole mess with Sarina... I just feel so, down, now.

Blake was the one to first mention my depressed mood, saying I wasn't even that gloomy when Meredith and I broke up. I just felt horrible. I would have to drag myself out of bed in the morning, and getting through the day was a struggle.

Looking around the school for her though was the worst. I didn't see her once. I felt so bad, I ruined her. I ruined an angel.

((Flashback to Sunday morning))

I stir, and rub my eyes, trying to rid of the crusted tears holding them closed. Salty emotions stain my face. I sit up, blinking, and checking the time, and what seems to making some horrible racket. 9:00am, what the heck did I have to do this time in the morning?

I hear the noise again, and realize it's just knocking on my door. I sigh, and tumble off the bed, landing on the floor. "Ugh." I dragged myself to my feet and slowly made my way to the front door, but not before wrapping my blanket from the bed around myself.

I looked out the window, to see Blake. Great, not now. I open it, "It's 9:00am," I muttered.

"Yeah, and we were going to get pancakes this morning, remember?" the popular guy looked down at me. He took in my appearance, and invited himself inside, much to my dismay.

"What happened last night, Pepper?" he asked me, his tone changing.

"Nothing," I muttered, sitting down on the couch, and wrapping myself tighter with the blankets.

"Your face is telling me it's not nothing," he sighed, walking into the kitchen. I hear the sink turn on, then off, and Blake comes back in the room with a damp towel in his hands. I take it, and rub the tear residue and dried mascara off my face. "Now tell me what's going on."

I knew he wouldn't leave until I told him something. "I broke it off with Sarina last night," I whispered.

He looked quite surprised by this, as he knew how much I loved her. "Why did you end things with her? I thought you really liked her."

"I did- I still do. It's just really complicated. She has a mental disability, a very complicated one that I thought I could handle, but I couldn't. I feel like I should have been there for her, but I just couldn't. I-"

Blake cut me off. "It's okay Pepper. I understand," he whispered, then pulled me onto his lap and cuddled me. Now it was my turn to be shocked. He had barely ever hugged me, and here he was holding me. He whispered soothing words. Okay, maybe Blake is my best friend. He sure knows how to act like one.

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