chapter 2: "New friends"

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Your P.O.V

After class at the end of the day some people crowded us. Ugh. I hate crowds. People asked questions like "how did you do it?" "Who are you?" And "senpaiii notice meeee".

"C'mon Yuki, let's go somewhere quiet." I say to her. We walk along the halls when the blue haired guy came up to me. "HEY YOU!! YOU TRYNA STEAL MY SPOTLIGHT?!? THERES ONLY ONE PERSON THAT SHOULD BE WORSHIPPED HERE AND THATS M-" He got cut off when a book suddenly slammed into his head and his partner and the pigtails girl scolded him. Then his partner turned to me and Yuki.

"I'm so sorry about Blackstar." She said. "Oh!! Thats okay!" Yuki says. Then the white haired guy came up to us. "Hi!!" Yuki says. "Sup." He says back. He seems pretty cool. Then more people come. One with black hair and white stripes on it, and two girls with blonde hair. I'm guessing they're twins based on their souls. "HII GUYS!!" The short one says. I bet her and Yuki will get along really well. She's also the happy-go-lucky type. "Whaddya guys want?" I ask wanting to go home and eat ice cream while watching anime. "We just wanted to say hi and you were pretty cool when you punched proffesor Stein." The white haired guy says. "My names Soul Eater. This is my flat-chested partner Maka Albarn." Then Maka hit hit with the spine of a book saying "MAKAAAA-CHOP!" Then the blue haired guy who is "Blackstar" says, "I AM THE ALMIGHTY BLACKTAR!! YOU PROBABLY KNOW ME."

"Im Tsubaki, his partner." Tsubaki says in a quiet voice. Then the stripes guy introduced himself. "My name is Death the Kid, lord Death's son. This is Liz," he gestured tot he tall blonde, "and patty." He says as he gesture to the short one. "So you're lord Deaths son? Cool." I say still emotionless. It probably came out sarcastic but they dont seem to notice. Yuki then starts to talk to Patty. Then she and Patty come up to me. "Can I pleeeease go home with Patty?? She's gonna show me her giraffe collection!" She begs. "*sigh* fine." I say. "YAAAY!!" She and Patty scream. "I'll pick you up at 8:00 Kay?" I say. "Kay!" She says. At the corner of my eye I see Kid "fangirling" and saying "she said 8! Such perfect symmetry." 'So he has a symmetry obssesion. Weird. But cute. W-wait what?!?' I brush off the thought and walk to the motorcycle. As I drive home I see a small kitten. (Warning: super sugoi anime cliche)

I stop and go up to it. Aww. Its so cute. I take a piece of bread from my bag and place it down. It goes up to it and nibbles on it. When its done it rubs its head against my leg. I smile slightly at it and pat its head. Kind of like what I do to Yuki when she gets hurt. I then ride back home.

(Kawaii super sugoi Senpai time skiiip *°•°***°•°)

'7:30. Better go get Yuki now.' By the time I got there it was 8 and I knocked on the door. Damn. Their house is huge. I knock on the door and Kid answers it.

"Oh hello, (y/n)." He says and gestures me to come in. Woah. The inside is huge too. "I'm here to get Yuki." I say plainly. "Sure. I'll show you where she is." He says as we walk up some stairs. I look left and right and see that theres the same set of doors on each wall. Its so... Even..? No... What's the word. "Ah, yes symmetrical." I say out loud by accident. Kid then turns to me and glomps me in a hug. "Do you really think its symmetrical?!?" He says. "Well yeah, who wouldn't?" I say and he hugs me tighter. Then Liz walks in and says, "Kid get off of her you're suffocating her." He gets off of me and says, "sorry I just love symmetry." "Its okay."

We walk into a room full of broken oragami giraffes. "C'mon Yuki. We gotta go home now." I say. "Aww. Well, see ya tomorrow Patty!!" She says and waves. "Byeeeee!!!" Patty says and waves back. We get on out motorcycle and drive back home.

(Another super sayan kawaii time skip **°^°•°°^•)

*sigh* another day of school. As we were in class we had study hall so we could do whatever. Me and Yuki were sitting a seat down from Soul and Maka. Blackstar and Tsubaki were to our left and Patty, Liz, and Kid were to our right. "Hey we should have a sleepover!!" Yuki says. "Yea! Thats a great idea!" Patty says back. "I have better things to do this weekend." I say. Like sleeping all day or just drawing and relaxing. "Well I'm gonna convince you to go." Yuki says with a determined face. "Sure you will." I say with sarcasm.

"Who's place will it be at?" Tsubaki asks. "(Y/n) and Yuki's?" Maka suggests. "Well if you wanna see Yuki's laundry everywhere I suggest you not come to our place." I say and Yuki puffs out her cheeks in anger. "We can have it at our house." Liz says. "Its big enough for all of us. Is that alright Kid?" She asks. "Yeah its fine. Just dont wreck anything." He says. "So its settled. Friday at Kid's place." Soul says.

(Amazing super omigosh awesome happy super sugoi sayan Senpai animu weeb kamekamehaa time skip*°•*°•* ●◇◆☆★♡♥)

Yes. Friday. I get to stay up all night and sleep in all day. I start walking to my room when Yuki pulls on my shirt collar. "Now where do you think you're going??" She says. "To my room." "Nope! You're going with me to that sleepover and thats final." "Yuki I'm not going. I dont wanna." I say and walk towards my room. She then blocks me. "You're coming with me whether you like it or not!! You need to make some friends other than me!" She says. "Yuki I said I'm not going!! Period!!!"

I knock on Kids door. How did it end up like this? Oh right. She tickled me until I gave in. This is gonna be a looong night.

(Yaay Thx for reading if u did and I'm gonna try and post at least 2 times a week okey byeee)

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