Chapter 1 - Exile

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Sub: When Andrew Returns Home

Dear John Paul and Theresa Wiggin,

You understand that during the recent attempt by the Warsaw Pact to take over the International fleet, our sole concern at EducAdmin was the safety of the children. Now we are finally able to begin working out the logistics of sending the children home.

We assure you that Andrew will be provided with continuous surveillance and an active bodyguard throughout his transfer from the I.F. To American Government control. We are still negotiating the degree to which the I.F. Will continue to provide protection after the transfer.

Every effort is being made by EducAdmin to assure that Andrew will be able to return to the most normal childhood possible. However, I wish your advice about whether he should be retained here in isolation until the conclusion of inquiries into EducAdmin actions during the late campaign. It is quite likely that testimony will be offered that depicts Andrew and his actions in damaging ways, in order to attack EducAdmin through him (and the other children). Here at IFCom we can keep him from hearing the worst of it; on Earth, no such protection will be possible and it is likelier that he will be called to "testify".

-Hyrum Graff

The above is an excerpt from Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card. My fan-fiction starts now! Enjoy.

Theresa Wiggin sat on a chair at her kitchen table, rhythmically tapping her fingers on her leg. In front of her was a print out of the letter from Graff she had received the week before. Since then, she had read it over and over again, the letter slowly consuming both her sleeping and waking life. She was in such a dilemma about what to do about Ender now that the Formic war was over.

"John." She looked up at her husband who was sitting on an old, creaky stool at the other end of the room. The day's newspaper was clutched in his hands as his eyes trailed along the pages.

"I can't do it." Her head fell into her hands as she battled the feelings of selfishness within her. "He's our baby."

This distracted John Paul from his reading. He closed the newspaper, set it down on the coffee table beside him, and got up to embrace his wife, wrapping his arms tightly around her frame. It was a dreadful situation for the both of them to be in. While he had chosen to actively avoid thinking about the matter, Theresa had been beside herself with worry ever since they'd received it.

Bringing Ender back to Earth was all that they'd wanted, but at what cost? He wasn't theirs. He hadn't been for years and he might not even want them anymore. He didn't need parents after all he'd been through. Neither of them wanted to admit that, even though they knew it was the truth. Yet, Theresa couldn't stand the thought of turning her own son away even if it was what was best for him. They had already done it once, and she regretted letting Graff take him more and more each day. It didn't matter to her that he had saved the world. What mattered was that she had robbed him of any chance of happiness. They both had.

"He wouldn't understand why we gave up on him again." she said, still wrapped up in her husband's arms. "Why we would leave him up there over welcoming him home." John nodded his head against her shoulder before letting her go.

"We already let Graff take him once." She continued. "Now they fleet is trying to take him from us again."

John sighed, his upper body full of tension. "But it would be hell for Andrew down here. It's obvious that Hyrum Graff sent us that letter so we would take action to keep him in space. Not so we would fight harder to bring him back down." John place a firm hand on his wife's shoulder before taking a seat beside her at the table. 

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