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Hermione's p.o.v
Please. Not again. Twice in one day. I can't handle it again. I'm exhausted. The tears started to roll down her face. She wrapped an arm around herself, trying desperately to stay in tact. It seemed she hadn't been in one piece since that day. So long ago. She lost both of them that day. She hadn't been able to set it right. She no longer knows her parents, or rather, they no longer know her. No books could do justice, the literal pain of the heart being torn in two. But she knows, all too well. The ripping pain, as the searing edges of her heart try desperately to heal. They never will. She knows they won't. I just miss them so much. I miss the way mum would sing when I had a bad dream, or how dad would always take my daily prophet on accident and wonder why the pictures were moving. They are so proud to have a witch in the family. Were. They were proud. Not anymore. They don't know you Hermione. They don't know their true selves. You have to stop torturing yourself. Another rip in her heart, one that, unfortunately, won't bleed. If only she knew the peace in death. The bliss of the afterlife. She has lost them both. They're gone. They're gone. They're gone. And she was moving. Without consciously deciding to. Her feet leading her to that bliss. The floor of the corridor cold as ice against her bare feet. As she got closer to her destination, the temperature dropped. Good, she thought. The dead are supposed to be cold. That's all I am now. Dead. With no reason to pretend anymore. She stepped into the tower. Her claustrophobia kicked in, pushing her for one last lung full of air, towards the edge. The one that would fulfill both the of her wishes. Time to say goodbye Hermione. She steps forward. Goodbye to heartache. Another step. Goodbye to pain. She's on the edge. One last step and it will end the tragedy she calls her life. Goodbye to everything. Suddenly she's flying. The wind blowing her tangled brown hair in every direction. Her bloods pumping. It seems ironic that she should only feel alive right before her death. Because she's not flying, she's falling. That's just how her life is. She gets the rotten end of the deal. Not anymore, she thought with a smile. Never again. She fell. Not onto the ground, but straight into someone's arms. And it's not fresh air filling her lungs, but a very expensive cologne, that smells both spicy and sweet, and familiar. A deep voice awakened her. It was as if she had been sleeping since that dreadful day. "Bloody hell Granger. Why would you throw yourself off of that tower???" Oh great. Malfoy. Of all people to catch me, it had to be Malfoy. " I.....fell.....thanks for catching me...I guess." She muttered. The annoying prat still hadn't put her down. It was hard for her. She was so close to death. So close to serenity. Yet, she was kind of glad he caught her. She was glad he has yet to put her down. No matter how annoying the ferret was, he was strong. Strong enough to not only hold her up, but to hold her together as well. She felt better, although her adrenaline was gone, she felt a new kind of rush. One she suspected to come from the blonde boy holding her. Or maybe man was a better word. He had changed a lot since first year. His blonde hair no longer slicked back, but rather messy. His cold grey eyes seemed to have changed to a deep blue, as if they were the ocean themselves and she could drown in them. His features had hardened. His jaw line is prominent, as well as his Adam's apple. The veins seemed to jump out of his pale arms. Oh gods his arms. Lean and hard, just like everything else about him. He was the epitome of man itself, and he knew it. "Granger." She snapped out of it. She hadn't realized she had been staring at him. As much as she hated him, he was very attractive. Much more attractive than Ron. Ron. Shit. Here it comes, she flinched, waiting for the pain. But it never came. Something was keeping the pain at bay. Ronald had proven just how much he loved her, by sleeping with the pug faced Parkison. Just another reason she wanted so badly to fall. To die. But she didn't. He had caught her. She hated to admit it, but she now owed Draco Malfoy her very life. She knew that he would never let her forget that.

Authors note: hey guys,I hope you liked it. This is my first story on wattpad so I hope I did all right. Comment and let me know, okay?

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