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Draco's point of view
I waited outside the doors to the great hall. Last night was so much like a dream, I have to make sure it was actually real. I heard footsteps, and turned to see Hermione and the weaslette coming down the corridor. When she saw me, her checks turned a shade similar to that of weaslettes hair. Bright red and very pretty. That's a good sign. They stopped in front of me. " Would you mind if I borrowed Hermione for a moment?" I asked her. She threw Hermione a look that Said "we'll talk later" and walked into the great hall. " How'd you sleep?" I asked her. Pathetic Draco. " Rather well actually. Then again, I had a good night." she looked up at me and smiled. It was real. I smiled, and placed my hand on the small of her back. She looked up at me. I leaned down for a kiss and she still had to get on her tiptoes. Adorable, I love short girls. It was a quick kiss, but it still held as much passion as the night before. "So, what do we do?" I asked. "what do you mean Draco?" she said dreamily. "Are we going to tell people about us? Would you be okay with that. I mean, I am a former death eater. I wouldn't want to ruin your pristine little reputation." She thought for a moment, then slapped my arm. "Oww" I said as I rubbed my now red arm. "Of course we'll tell people. You're not the same person you were and you've managed to catch my heart. Plus, I don't want to have to hex some daft girl for flirting with you. People will know that I am yours, and you are mine. Anything else is unthinkable." "I like the sound of that." I said. I grabbed her hand and turned towards the doors. "Are you ready?" I asked. No doubt we would get more looks than fluffy, the three headed dog. "Let's go." she said. We walked through the doors and the moment we did it was as if someone set off an atomic bomb. An explosion of accusations bounced off the walls from everywhere. There was a chorus of "mudblood" and "Deatheater" going around. I walked her to her seat and kissed her head,which caused an uproar of protests. "Oh shut it!" yelled the weaslette. She was defending us? "Thank you." I said to her. I walked over to my table. When I sat down, everyone went ballistic. It was like a machine gun of insults. But I didn't care. I got her. I got Hermione. My little Hermione. I smiled at the nickname, knowing she would love it. I ate my breakfast and stood to gather my things. "So you're a blood traitor now? I expected better of you mate." Blaize Zabini. Didn't expect that. "When are you imbocils going to realize that blood doesn't matter? We all walk through the same halls, have the same teachers. Its pathetic that you lot let something as petty as blood rule you. I'm not going to anymore! I will talk with who I wish, be friends with whoever I want to, and date whoever I want. And who I want is Hermione! If you have a problem with that then you can just shove it!"  I turned to see McGonagall behind me. "To my office please Mr.Malfoy. You should bring your um...girlfriend as well." she strutted off after that. Great. I gathered Hermione and together we walked to the headmistress's office. "catastrophe" I said to the gargoyle. I laughed when I realized it was a pun. What is with these teachers I thought to myself. We walked through the doors to see her at her desk. " You wanted to see us professor." Hermione said in a shaky voice. "Yes Ms. Granger. I suppose you know our head boy and girl are siblings. They recently had a family emergency and had to be sent home for an unknown amount of time. We need someone to fill the slot. Of course my first choice for head girl was you. That was a given, but I couldn't think of anyone to be head boy. I thought perhaps Mr.potter. But he has had so much on his plate, he deserves a normal year for once. I was stumped, until Mr. Malfoy gave his little speech earlier. I was so proud to hear such things coming from you Draco. You have come so far in such a short amount of time. I know of some of the trials you have went through and I know you haven't had the easiest life. A lot of people have yet to forgive you, so I want to give you a chance to better your reputation. I want the two of you to be the temporary head boy and girl. Do you accept?" she said. "yes professor."  we said in unison. "I'll lead you to your dormitory. Yes, you do share one, and I will expect no funny business." she gave me a pointed look and I took a guess that the students weren't the only ones hearing the Slytherin sex god rumors. I blushed and looked down. We followed her to the dormitory. And stepped through the portrait. It was magnificent. Books lining every surface, a table with a wizards chess set, and two doors across from one another. One read headboy the other headgirl. I get to live with Hermione, at least for the time being. This is gonna be fun.

Hey guys its been months! But I got the next chapter posted. Finally! Can you say plot twist? What do y'all think will happen? Tell me what you think. Oh and PLEASE check out some of my other writings
Love always

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