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Hermione's point of view
The party is planned. It's going to be on Halloween and of course it's going to be a dress up party. It took longer to plan than it should have. I kept getting distracted by Draco. He wasn't even doing it on purpose. It was just normal things. He'd stretch and I'd see his v-line, he'd kiss me, and I'd get WAY too into it. I guess my hormones have finally kicked in. I'm blaming him. The potion is finally finished, although we have no clue if it actually works or not. We're turning it in today. Its about time to wake up. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. Draco and I share one. I open the door and steam practically attacks me. The mirror is fogged over and it's hot in here. Draco is standing in the middle of the room, a towel wrapped around his waist, and a surprised look on his face. " Sorry, I didn't know you were in here." I said embarrassed " It's alright love, besides. I like the view" He winked at me and I finally noticed what I was wearing. A tight green tank top and some very revealing shorts. I blushed and tried to look anywhere except at Draco. It was hard to do. He kissed me, I ran my hand through his hair and pulled him closer to me. He pinned me against the wall and ran his hand up my leg, hiking it up to his waist. Fine. If he was going to be a tease, I could too. I took the tip of my tongue and traced his lips. He tried to deepen the kiss, but I pulled away. "Sorry Darling, but I need to get in the shower."I walked towards the shower, I was about to start getting undressed when I realized I hadn't heard the door open or close. I turned to see him looking at me expectantly. "Well?" he said "I'm waiting." he's waiting? "Oh get out you arse." I threw a hand towel at him. He laughed and walked out, closing the door behind him.
I met Draco in our common room and we rushed down to breakfast. He kissed me before he walked to his table. I some how found my way to mine, struggling to break the daze his lips always left me in. Harry and Ginny were there, being a lovey couple, as usual. It must be killing Ron to see his sister snogging his best friend. Good. The bastard deserves it. Serves him right. " Hello Ginny, Harry, you two look happy" I said. " We are. We can finally have a normal year, to just..... Be together." Harry said. " Harry. I hope you haven't forgotten about your NEWTS. Ginny, yours? We can't just relax. We have loads of studying to do!" I said, bringing them back to reality. "Mione, those aren't for MONTHS! Don't tell me you're already studying. Calm down, live a little. Besides. You're a part of the golden trio. You could bomb all of your work from here on and people would still be tripping over each other to give you a job." Ginny said, waving off my lecture. Ugh. When are people going to realize I'm right? I finished eating and started towards potions. I stopped in my tracks when I heard a familiar voice. It was Draco. He was saying my name. I know I shouldn't eavesdrop, but I dare anyone to try not to. I hid behind the wall, and peaked around the corner. He was there, talking to someone.
" She can't know "
" But Draco, I think she needs to" a girls voice purred
" Pansy, love, I've got her complete trust, do you have any idea what I could do with that? That filthy little mudblood thinks I'm in love with her. She actually believes me. I could break her. I just need a bit more time."
Hermione ran. But that didn't help. His voice followed her. It wasn't something she could run from, it was in her head. Echoing around.
" I've got her complete trust"
" Filthy little Mudblood "
"I could break her"
Stop. Please. Stop! She begged herself. She wanted to shut her brain down. Her brain. Filled with so much knowledge. How could she have been so stupid? She should have known..... He would never love her. Who could? She was pathetic. Worthless. Disgusting. A waste of space. She walked to the black lake, a plan already forming in her quick paced little mind. Except this time, she wouldn't be saved.
Draco's point of view
Hermione didn't show for potions, which wasn't like her. Luckily I had the potion and the essay to turn in. I sat through pointless presentations and when we were finally dismissed, I decided to skip my next class and find Hermione. I checked the black lake. Not there. Library? Nope. Our common room? Not there. Moaning myrtles bathroom? Empty. Unless you count a thoroughly depressed myrtle, crying in the stall. I gave up and decided to wait her out in our common room. She had to come back sometime. Right?
It turns out " sometime" was hours later. She walked in and didn't even acknowledge my presence. As if I were dirt beneath her shoe.
"Mione? Are you okay? You weren't in potions, I looked for you every where, but couldn't find you. I was worried."
She exploded in rage. She screamed in accusation
" You were worried? Why were you worried about a filthy little mudblood, like me?"
I was taken aback. Where did that come from?
"Love, please don't call yourself that. And to answer your question, I'm worried because I love you. You know that. "
"You love me? You filthy git! Lying through your teeth!" she pulled back her fist and punched him square in the jaw. "I heard your little talk with Parkison. I hope you two are happy together." she stormed out, going gods know where.
Talk with Parkison? I haven't spoken to pansy in weeks! What the hell is going on?
Please don't hate me! I am SO sorry for not updating. Its kinda hard when you have no internet. As for the story.....Are you confused yet? Good! So am I! I've decided that the more comments and favorites I get the more I update. There's not really a point to writing all this if no one is gonna read it, right? So, the next chapter update is up to y'all. ( I'm from the south, deal with it) it could be a couple days, a week, or a month. It depends on the feedback I get. Until next time.

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