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Draco's point of view.
Seriously? I didn't hesitate, in fear that she would stop me. I placed my hand on her face and gently stroked her soft red checks. I leaned down, slowly, unsure. Only inches apart. "Ms. Granger, Mr. Malfoy!" We jumped apart, Hermione holding her hands behind her back. "Always the early birds I see. Let's go ahead and take our seats, no need to wait out in the cold corridor" We followed him in and took our seats. The second we sat down, Hermione got right to work. " So, I was thinking that we should do a potion that heals a broken heart." She certainly needs it. If we can actually make it, it could really help her. "Let's do it." I say. We go to the library and get every book about healing, heartbreak, and potions. We try to slowly put puzzle pieces together. Actually, it's more like we're trying form puzzle pieces and force them together. It takes a lot of concentration. Which is a task considering Hermione chose to sit next to me rather than across from me. She's so close, I can smell her perfume. Cherry blossoms. It's intoxicating. As is her presence. Book Draco. Focus on the book. It will help her. Ugh. If it were any one other than her, I wouldn't be able to do it. But it is her. I get as much information as I can from the book before I toss it." Hermione darling can you hand me that book?" I said pointing. Shit! I said that out loud. She hands me the book. Not noticing the pet name. As if I call her it everyday and she had grown used to it. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Merlin please, let it be a good thing. We keep reading for the rest of the class, jotting down notes and laughing. The bell rings and I head off to care of magical creatures. She's off to ancient runes. Bloody boring class if you ask me. But she seems to enjoy it. Being the Hermione I love, she's in constant pursuit of knowledge. I walk out the double doors into the crisp fall air. Hagrid actually hasn't gotten anyone maimed this year, so I guess he's doing alright. We're learning about Drakons. It's a Greek monster. Its basically a giant snake, that can petrify you or kill you with just it's gaze. It's incredibly similar to the basilisk. However, Hagrid claims they're completely different. I don't see it. I stand outside and wait. And wait. And wait. Everyone else has arrived and started to freeze. Suddenly, Hagrid comes out from behind his hut and motions for us to follow him. I wasn't expecting what came next. A drakon. Sure. That's about right. There was something over its head and also a giant tent. We followed him inside. " since it's so cold out, I figurrd we aughta have class in here." he said. It was warm. And smelled delicious. He passed out tea and cookies, which I suspect he didn't make. The delicate icing far too complicated for his giant hands. A dog started barking. I recognized fang from my trip into the forbidden forest. The dog had cookies of his own and started to gobble them. "okay kids. We'll be lookin at the drakon in its natural habitat. The forbidden forest. The screen on that wall over there will preject imerges from the forest. Now, have er seat and get cozy." He hits a button and the show begins.
Today was exhausting. I get to my dormitory and strip down to my underwear. I lay down and almost immediately pass out.
A horrendous scream echos around the bare walls of my home. Malfoy manor. I run. Trying to find that person, to help them. I have to get to them. I burst through the door, to see Voldemort levitating a girl in mid air. She screams again, begging for death. He won't let her go quickly, he's too cruel for that. " уσυ нα∂ α ¢нσι¢є!" Hermione's voice echoes in my head. I know this isn't real, but I can't watch another second of it. I run, I knock the wand out of his hand. I grab his ropes and pull my arm back, my fist was only inches from his face when I realized, it wasn't Voldemort.....It was me. I stumbled backwards, trying to run. This isn't what I wanted. This wasn't my choice. What do I want??? I want Hermione. A while ago, I studied dreams. One of the books said that there are two gates to enter into the dream world. One, a positive gate. Inducing sweet dreams and wish fulfillment. The other, a negative gate. Making terrors rule your dreams until there's nothing you can do but wish to awaken. It said that a lucid dreamer knows they're dreaming, and can control it. I know I am. I just have to focus on what I want. I think of her. Her Carmel hair, her deep chocolate eyes, her plump pink lips, the smell of honeysuckles and cherry blossoms. And I'm gone. I lost myself in the thought of her, the way I always do. I hear the waves hit the earth, I smell the intoxicating scent, and finally, I feel a small, fragile, and very warm hand grasp mine. I open my eyes to see her laying beside me. We're under the cherry blossom tree, by the black lake. "Good morning." she says sweetly. She lifts her other hand to move my hair. It's a gentle gesture. I'm not used to them. But I crave them now. I turn to my side, and balance myself on my arm. I run my fingertips up her arm, all the way to her rosy cheeks. Again, I find myself a victim to her gaze. Getting lost is far too easy when its in her eyes. Petals rain on us, and I kiss her. Completely sure. She kisses me back, as I knew she would. I pull away and she whispers "I love you Draco."
Hermione's point of view.
Meet me in the astronomy tower. Midnight.
- Hermione
I hope he shows up.

Hey guys. I know it's been FOREVER since I've posted. I'm sorry. It's just......i know where I want to go with this story, I just don't know how to get there. Wish me luck. Favorite, comment, follow, until next time.
Special thanks to TiffaniAmber07 for the healing a broken heart idea

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