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Warning : some sexual content
Hermione's point of view.
One week until Halloween. I have a week to come up with an amazing costume for the Halloween party. McGonagall gave us a week to plan it. It has to be amazing, and all of the pressure is falling on Draco and I. You would think planning a party wouldn't be that stressful. Its as bad as exam week. We have to have a band or DJ, food, music, an area to have it, rules, and it has to be fun. Luckily I have Draco. I'm not big into parties but Draco has thrown quite a few. He'll know what to do. Being head girl, I have more responsibilities and less time. I'd be stressed out of my mind if it weren't for Draco. He calms me down. Makes me take a break if I get too bad. So everyday. I love Draco being just steps away. Its a blessing. But it's also a curse. He notices too much now. Like when I just got done crying and my eyes are puffy. When I tune out and stare blankly at nothing. But it happens less now. He makes me feel better. Not only is he one of my closest friends, he also happens to be the man of my dreams in one convenient little bundle. Just looking at him makes my heart skip a beat. When he hugs me, I get butterflies, not to mention I feel extremely light. As if everything that has ever been wrong in my life has been lifted away. I can't even begin to explain the feeling I get when he kisses me. Its unreal. Who knew lips the spoke such wretched slurs could be so sweet? I started daydreaming. I do it a lot. I thought about his kissing. How soft and warm his lips were. Him running his hand through my hair. Placing them on my hips and pulling me against him. Whispering in my ear. Nibbling my neck. I sighed out loud. " Enjoying yourself love?" he came out of nowhere. "Draco! You scared me!" He was fresh out of quidditch practice.  His robes were on the floor and his broom propped against the wall. "Did I interrupt you?" he asked a bit smug. I shook my head. Are you sure? You seemed to have been enjoying yourself. May I ask what you were thinking that made you moan?" Did I moan? I thought it was just a sigh. " Nothing. Just daydreaming." "About?" "Things." I said. No way was I giving him the satisfaction. "What things?" his famous smirk already growing on his face. " None of your concern." I  snapped. "I think I can guess." he said. He sat with me on the love seat. He kissed me, then trailed more down my neck. He bit my neck, not hard, he wasn't trying anything. Just teasing me. Trying to get me worked up. I bit my lip to keep from moaning. "Don't do that. I want to hear it." He whispered. He pushed me down and pinned my arms. One hand running up my leg, the other holding my hands above my head. He kissed and nibbled. My back arched, without my permission, and I wrapped my legs around him. His hand ran up my body. Started undoing the buttons on my shirt. He bit me again. I moaned this time, not being able to stop myself. He pulled away just long enough to whisper "Good girl." I opened my eyes, expecting to see him above me. Instead, I saw the ceiling to my new room. It was just a dream.

Sorry for the short story,  I was trying to get it updated for a friend. I'll try to update more often love y'all

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