The Vile Vial

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Hermione's point of view

I woke up to a very alarmed Draco hovering over me. He was dripping wet, a white shirt clung to him, and he was even more pale than usual. I couldn't put the pieces together. None of the images made sense. I looked for answers in his stormy eyes, but the sea grey eyes I knew by heart were pitch black. Pupils so dilated, there were no irises left. "Draco? Draco what happened?" He laughed and pulled me to him, nearly crushing me. Draco is a lot stronger than he looks. He allowed for no space between us, and I could practically HEAR the smile on his face. "Mione. I'm so glad you're okay. I thought I lost you." "Draco what happened?" He STILL hadn't answered me. I was sitting on the ground, soaking wet, freezing, and I had no idea how I got into this situation.

"You fell into the lake." he whispered. "What? How?" I gasped. Even if I did fall in, I'm a fairly strong swimmer. I wouldn't have just sank to the floor. "Well love, you were pretty drunk." I gave myself a moment to let that sink in. "Draco. I haven't had a drop of alcohol all night. No one has. Its impossible to spike the punch, and thats all I've been having." Draco looked puzzled. then worried. "But on the dance floor,with Blaise, your cheeks were pink, and your words were slurred. How do you explain that?" I sat up, and away from him, afraid of the lack of space between us. "My cheeks were pink from dancing, and...and...I don't know why my words were slurred." Draco stood quickly, and pulled me up with him. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Come with me." I pulled myself out of his grasp and put as much venom in my voice as I could muster when I said "I will do no such thing. Just because you pulled me out of that lake does NOT mean I forgive you. I will not follow you anywhere, ferret. Now get away from me before I shove my heel so far up your arse you'll have to brush your teeth with shoe polish." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. "Now you listen to me, young lady. I haven't done a damned thing to you. I've tried to tell you that, but you won't listen and you won't see reason. I don't know what in merlin is going on, but I am taking you to Madam Pompfrey, and she is going to check you out, even if I have to carry you up there myself. understood?" I stared at him. He had the nerve to say that to me? To lie right to my face? "NO. I am not going anywhere with you." I turned and started to walk away. Before I knew what was happening I was being lifted into the air. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, you put me down this instant!" I started kicking and thrashing, trying to free myself, or at least knock him off balance. No luck. "If you had just come willingly, this wouldn't have been a problem. I'm doing this for your own good, Mione." I didn't stop thrashing the entire walk. A couple of first years walked by us. I can't imagine what they were thinking, seeing both of us soaking, me over his shoulder, flailing, ugh. I'm head girl. I'm supposed to set an example for those kids. But here I am, dressed like an absolute whore, soaking, and trying to escape someone who says is trying to help. No. He's not trying to help me. Why would he? I'm just a filthy mudblood to him. Nothing but something he can toy with until I finally break. He's not helping me. He never was.

After lots of protests, and even more cursing, we finally arrived at the hospital wing. Draco dumped me on an empty cot. "Stay." He said pointing at me. His voice was low and commanding, almost like a growl. I glared daggers at him, but stayed put. I didn't have any answers as to what happened, maybe Madam Pompfrey did. After a few minutes Draco, wait no. Malfoy. I've got to stop being so familiar with him. Malfoy came back with Madam Pompfrey. She was in a long, cotton night gown, and her hair was piled in a bun on top of her head. "Draco told me what happened, but I want to hear it from you. I want you to tell me the truth, I will not tell anyone, and you will not get in trouble." She stared at me expectingly, her eyes were supposed to be blue, I'm guessing, but they were so clear I could see my brown ones reflecting back in them. I took a second to take inventory on myself. My dress was torn, soaked, and covered in mud. The makeup I had applied was smeared all over my face. Dark circles protruded underneath my eyes, giving me a sunken in look. I was a wreck. I told her what happened, she waited patiently for me to finish. Once I was done, she took my hands in hers, and looked me directly in the eyes. "Now Ms. Granger. This is important. I need you to be honest. Were you drinking tonight?" "I promise, I wasn't. I'm head girl. I've got to set an example. I even set up the punch to where you couldn't spike the bowl." I explained. " And did you allow anyone to bring you a drink? Even from the punch bowl?" I thought for a minute. Everything seemed so blurry. "Umm...yes. Blaise Zabini brought me a drink. But he couldn't have tampered with it, I hexed the bowl." Does she really think I'd be stupid enough to throw a party for a bunch of teenagers without taking SOME precautions first? "I understand that, but it IS possible he did something to it after he got the punch from the bowl. He could have spiked just your cup." What? I'm such an idiot! Why did I not think of that? "How do we know for sure?" Malfoy blurted out. "I have a potion that may work. But, I'll warn you, its foul." Madam Pompfrey went to her desk and pulled out a vial of a glowing blue potion. She handed it to me. "Now. Drink this. Quickly." I downed the tiny vial in one gulp, but it left a horrid taste in my mouth. Everything felt fuzzy, and it was like my insides were bubbling. Thats when my stomach started to glow. "I'm afraid you were poisoned."

Hey guys, I'm really sorry, I know its been over a year since my last update, but I've been trying to get back into writing. Comment, favorite, and share with your friends, love ya

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